Opposites Attract 17

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Elysia's POV:

I didn't speak a word as we walked in my bedroom. I didn't want to speak; I just wanted to show Kellan how much I loved him. If we spoke I feared tonight would be brought up and I can't handle the overwhelming feelings brought on by thinking about it. Kellan shut the bedroom door and turned to me. I did the only thing I could think of; I walked up to my handsome mate and stood on my tip toes, so that I could wrap my arms around his neck. My body was trembling as I pushed myself against him. He wrapped his strong arms around my back and squeezed lightly; I've never felt more safe than when I'm in his arms. His eyes bore into mine and I could see all of his emotions for me perfectly clear. I dropped my arms from his neck and took his hand in mine as I led him to the bed. I laid down and pulled him down with me, needing our bodies close now more than ever. I needed the reassurance that if something did happen tonight, id know just how much he loved me in our short time together.

I didn't want any kind of dominance tonight; I just wanted him to love me and my body. I wanted him to bring us together as one. I pulled him until he hovered over me and his scent filled my nose. I was still in his shirt and his chest was bare before me; tanned and chiseled. I trailed my hands from his abs to his chest; loving the feel of his smooth skin against my hands.

He began removing his shirt from my body, leaving me naked underneath him. My hands moved to his shorts and I tugged them down as he pulled them off the rest of the way. We were both bare to one another and I've never felt more whole then in that moment.

Kellan brushed some of my hair from my face, then brought his lips onto mine. His hand made its way to my breast and he massaged it until his mouth left mine and trailed down. He teased my nipple with his tongue and teeth, then moved to my other breast; taking his time. When he was done he trailed slow, wet kisses all down my stomach. He raised up and kissed my toes on one leg, then all the way up to my thigh, caressing my body inch for inch. He repeated the same process with my other leg and I was almost ready to beg for him to pay attention to my core. As if he heard my thoughts he gently rubbed a finger over me; I released a small moan and rolled my head back. It amazed me how much pleasure I received from one touch from my mate. He slipped his finger in me slowly and kept a slow, gentle pace; in and out, in and out. He put the cherry on the cake when he brought his face down and his tongue licked me, then he sucked my clit lightly into his mouth, sending chills all over my body. I felt my body preparing to release and Kellan kept up his perfect speed as I soared into my orgasm. He didn't stop until he was sure I was finished, then he slowly pulled his finger out of me before licking it and my core clean.

He moved to where he was hovering above me and I could feel his shaft again my core; making me thrust up in hopes that it'd enter me. Kellan adjusted himself so that the tip of the head was basically inside of me and he captured my lips quickly in his as he eased his way inside of me making me cry out in pleasure. He felt so good inside of me, especially as wet as I was. He moved slowly and kissed me all over. We continued until we were both about to orgasm.

When we were both releasing I couldn't help but to imagine myself after tonight carrying my mate's pups and living a wonderful life with Kellan. We laid there once we were finished just clinging to each other. We still had a few hours before we'd have to leave, so we made love once again, not wanting to release one another for we didn't know what tonight held for us.

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