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Dean's pov:

She wakes up, stretching under the covers; a soft moan and she stills. Her mind starts to work making plans for the day, it's Saturday; her day off, but she won't lounge around, no. I know her, she likes to keep herself busy, do all kind of craps; whether is cleaning or making some kind of handcraft; she always needed to occupy her mind.

She sighs and throws the covers off of her body, only a cotton T-shirt and underwear; I prefer her when she sleeps naked and tangled around me; but this is a good view nevertheless. Her legs hang from the side of the bed and her feet find her slippers, one at a time. She gets up with a big yawn, bends backwards to crack her spine.

She walks gracefully into the bathroom, leaving the door open; sits on the toilet, I follow her every move. She stands by the sink and washes her hands and face. Passes her fingers through her messy her and pulls it up in a high ponytail; strands of hair falling from different places but she does not mind it.

She applies some lotion on her skin and then eyeliner; I don't have idea why, she's staying in and not seeing anyone, maybe is for herself, she always loved to look nice for herself.

She walks out of the bathroom, finally... into her bedroom again she makes the bed and moves some stuff around, making the room look more organized; and when she finishes she goes down the stairs towards the kitchen to start breakfast.

I see her taking some stuff out of the fridge; surely for pancakes, she always loves pancakes on Saturdays... Honey, no maple syrup.

Once she's done she seats at the kitchen island with a big plate, a mug of coffee with a tear of cream and the newspaper. I can tell exactly she's going to pass through every section until she settles for sports... I knew it!

She takes her time eating and reading. Then stands up taking the dishes to the sink, leaving them for later. Suddenly, she stops and looks around, her hunter's intuition telling her something; maybe she is being watched, she can feel something's up.

She looks out the window, from one side to the other but she does not see me, or anything out of the ordinary. Shrugging the feeling away she continues with her day.
I watch her, every little thing that she does, every move she makes. I contemplate every little detail of her, her skin, her hair, and her hands, all of her.

It's time to go to bed again, she drags herself from the couch in front of the TV and goes upstairs. She strips away from her clothes and stand in the middle of her room naked, then goes into the bathroom, brushes her teeth and her hair.

She looks out the bay window, directly to where I stand; but she cannot see me. I made sure of it; she can't... can she?

The window opens and the lights go off. I make my way there, even if I said I wouldn't get closer, I have to know.

My boots stump on the fluffy carpet, she is sitting on the edge of her bed, and she is looking at me, still naked and gorgeous.

"I knew it was you." She whispers and stands up, she is so beautiful, I just want to taste every inch of her.

When she steps closer I back away, I don't her to see me like this. I want to scare her, I want her to back away, so I decide to show her my new self and put on a growl face, while my essence change for a couple of seconds.
She doesn't fear me, a small smile appears on her lips, her face softens.

"How- how did you-" I want to know

"I could always feel you. I can always tell is you" She interrupts. "Now, come here, please. I missed you. I want you and I don't care what you are. I still love you"

Deanmon smutWhere stories live. Discover now