Stay In Jail Or Break Out?

667 22 11

Lucy's POV
'Cobra?' I thought trying to connect with him. Right now I'm in a cage, I tried to turn back to my human form but the cage somehow cut off my magic energy. 'Cubellious' I hear him! 'Cobra! Oh, Thank god your ok!' I say in my mind again for some reason his voice sounded weak and in pain 'what's wrong? I can tell something is wrong' I wait for his answer and wish I didn't ask cause after I hear what he said 'They........torchered me' I felt my heart sink. I could barely muster the words to ask why 'w-w-why would t-they do such a-a thing?' I waited for his answer even though it was hard for him so speak, or do anything at that. I still had to find out what happened. 'They thought..... that if I could hear........thoughts, then I could tell them..*cough*...the future plans and present plans that.........we had....... also to find out anything further....*cough* what happened to you but I didn't know much......... but they thought that I was....*cough*...lying and torchered me more than..... before.' I could feel my heart get a giant crack down the middle after I found out that they torchered him more because 'Don't worry Cobra I'll come get you and the others and we can get out of here. And we'll make a new start!'
I exclaim in my head and slowly slip through the bars of the cage. The bars are really close together so I need to bend my rib cage flat. And surprisingly it worked. I guess I must have done this before in the past, because it felt like muscle memory. Now that I'm out I change back into my human form. All right time to find Cobra and the others! 'Cobra can you do your best to do echolocation to find me and guide me to find you?' I say in my mind hoping he can hear me. 'Ok..................turn right in the next........*cough* intersection.' He said and a slight relief washed over me. I look up and as he said.... it thought there was an intersection of 4 hallways. I turn right and keep running. 'Keep....going straight' I keep my running and running, only focusing on Cobras voice. 'What next?' I thought as I stop at a split hallway. 'Cobra?' answer 'Cobra?!'...........still no answer.'Cobra can you hear me?!'...............

'Turn left' I finally hear him. 'Oh thank god! I thought you died!' 'Don't shout' he replays right after my outburst. I continue running and end up at a dead end. 'Cobra I'm at a dead end what do I do? I see a door but it's locked' 'turn to your snake........form, you should be able t-*cough**cough*to use your melt the metal' I hear Cobra say. I concentrate on my magic and before I knew it I was a snake. I slither to the door and spray my venom. Like Cobra said the metal door melted like ice on a super hot day. As the smoke cleared I saw Cobra chained to the ground covered in bruises and cuts. Blood is lightly splattered all around him, also coming from his mouth must be from when he was coughing. "oh my god......" my hands to my mouth I tried not to scream, as I saw my master laying on the ground barely cringing to life. To what it looked like....

I'm soooooooo super super super super sorryyyyyy about not updating!!!!!! It's just that I had a ton of homework. And having to do a lot of things outside of school also!
Anyway I'm gonna tell you something that I think is AWSOME! Soooo you may know that I'm in 7th grade. Anyways I'm in band and play tenor saxophone. All those sax players, Ayeeeeee😎🎷! Anyway.... my band teacher we'll call her Mrs.Molina said that all 8th grader have to do this mandatory thing of when you have to try out for Metro Honor Band. And for 7th grade you have a choice to do it. But, Mrs.Molina wants me to try out no matter what. Like I have no choice. Whatsoever. I'm fine with that. I LOVE band. And my Tenor Sax!(except having to lunge it around to class almost everyday, which is like 30 pounds) so I feel really honored because I'm the only one she told in the 7th grade that has to do this. I feel so special!😊✨ anyways sorry for the wait and if you read any of my other stories I'm gonna try to update them right after I publish this chapter. (This is a note for after I did the honor band auditions.... I didn't make it. But congrats to all the other talented musicians who did or are already in a great band.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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