Chapter 2: The Royal Paladin

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The so called “sun” shine brightly in the sky of cray. Even though there is a sun in the sky, the temperature is still cold for a certain knight that was walking beside a short bluenette. Both of them were glad they were wearing a shoes this whole time. Because if they’re not, they probably wont beable to walk even a single step on the cold snow.

The storm was long gone. They fell asleep inside the cave where they were hiding from the snow. It was kinda awkward for the bluenette since he rarely talk to stranger, same thing with blaster blade. They keeps on walking, aichi sometimes wonder where are they going, but he keeps on walking anyway.
Blaster blade was happy (even though he didn’t show that) that he finally found a vanguard. And the best part is, the vanguard is diffrent from “before”. They don’t need to be force to become stronger. They don’t need to kill each other. For him, this is a miracle.

“u-um... where are we going...?” After a long time, Aichi finally ask something. He was too shy to even say a word. He don’t even know why he was shy. Maybe it was because he never really talk to a compleatly stranger before. “we’ve been walking for hours but i dont even know where are we going”

“We are going to the clan’s kingdom.” Blaster blade answered with a usual straight face, not looking away from the snowy path. Aichi somehow never get used to something called clans, vanguards, and stuff related to them.

“O-oh...” he really want to start a conversation but he don’t even know how? So he thinks it was a good idea for him to ask more question(s).

“W-Why me..?” blaster blade dont really understand what was Aichi Asking about. “Why did you choose me?” The question makes Blaster blade stop hiss steps making aichi stop himself too. Maybe that was a bad idea? Or maybe not.

“we were once owned by a boy.” Aichi is silent, he don’t want to interupt blaster blade’s words. “His name is Toshiki Kai... he was a kind boy, just like you... but a noisy one. He was kind hearted, he helps people in need, and the units loved him.” Blasterblade stop for a few seconds before continueing his story. “But something changed him. He became a cold hearted boy who only wants more power because of reasons we, his units, don’t even know.” Another stop from the story, blaster blade seems to have a hard time continueing. “He left us, when he found a stronger clan, the kagero clan.” And that’s the end of his story.

Aichi stare at Blaster blade’s back with sadness in his eyes. He now regret asking him that question.

“I-i’m sorry.” Aichi apologize, hoping that it will be accepted, but blaster blade don’t even say another word, instead, he continue on walking, aichi of course followed him around.
Blaster blade stop his steps infront of a huge gate. There was a huge white painted castle infront of him and the bluenette. The bluenette’s eyes widen because he never thought that a clan’s castle could be this big. Yet he never even thought of the possibility of him to see a real Clan’s castle before.

“ Lets go” the gate automaticly opened once blaster blade took another step forward with aichi not far behind.

The place was unhesitantly huge. There are many pillars with a complicated design carved in every single spot of the pillar. Aichi can only be amazed on how huge and beautiful the castle is. He was too busy admiring the castle and accidently hit against a boy that can’t see his path because he was carrying too many books. And there it is, the book fall and scattered around them.

“o-ouch...” Aichi and the boy say in unison. They both wear the same glasses, Aichi immediately realize his mistake and quickly trying to gather the books that was scattered.

“ I-i’m sorry.” He apologize while gathering the books. There are books that has writings that he didn’t understand, books that has some weird pattern on it’s cover, they all look intresting to read, but a particular book catch his attention. A book that has a dark blue cover and one word with another weird pattern around it. He can’t really see what it’s written but he manage to tell the word.


A strange feeling filled him as he stare at the book for a few seconds before someone called.

“Oh... I’ve never seen you before, What’s your name?” The other boy with glasses ask while staring at the him that immediately gather more of the books.

“U-Uh.. A-Aichi Sendou”

“Oh.. Then, hello... My name is Marron. Little sage, Marron. It’s nice to meet you.”

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