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- We chase satisfaction, not happiness.

- But aren't we happy when we are satisfied?

- Yes, of course. But you can be happy when you are unsatisfied as well. The happiness that comes only with incompleteness, with longing. Somehow I find that more rewarding.

- What about those times when you sit and think about how far you've come, when nostalgia hits. When you are in a moment from your past, you are looking thorough the screen of time at someone you used to be. Are you evolving then, is it not happiness when a faint smell reminds you of someone you used to know?

- It's satisfaction as well when you're contemplating with a heavy heart and smiling in the end. I guess happiness and satisfaction are two sides of the same coin.

- Happiness is a conclusion.

- But how can we conclude something when we are evolving every day? There is no conclusion, except maybe in death.

- So it is an illusion. Happiness is just an illusion we create.

- And because it is an illusion, it is subjective. It means different things to different people. Your happiness can never be mine.

- But illusions are false!

- It is the untruths that give you solace. Truth is harsh.

- Yes, it is. So I'd still rather believe in that illusion. There's a comfort in knowing it's not real, and it won't last anyway.

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