Chapter 1

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Picture of Alexis on side (or top) I know she doesn't really look 15, but who does nowadays?

~Photo is not mine, but quality ruined by Wattpad~


Age: 15

Name: Alexis Jackson

Hobbies: singing, music, gaming, and anime.

Favorite color: Purple

Others: She has a bad past that she doesn't talk about.

Looks: Shortish hair bleached and dyed a light purple.


•(Alexis's pov)•

My life back then was wasn't so bad, it had it's good days and it's bad days. The last day I was in my world was definitely one of those bad days.

The last day, my mom was out doing god knows what, and my stepdad was at my school picking me up late. I missed my bus, and my stepdad can only pick me up at certain times do to his job, that certain time was an hour later. It wasn't all bad, I get to catch up on some reading. But that certainly wasn't how I wanted to spend my Friday afternoon.

My stepdad dropped me off at home, and when I got inside I set my bag on the table and dumped everything out on it, I went to my room grabbed some random clothes and shoved them in my bag. I called a friend earlier if I could hang at her house, she didn't pick up but I'm sure she won't mind.

As I left my house a weird feeling came over me, I feel dizzy, almost like I was going to throw up. I stumbled a bit, till I lost my balance and fell.

When I open my eyes again I was in the middle of a dirt road. Not only was I in the middle of said dirt road, but a hoarse was coming at me full speed. Just before it could run me over I jumped out of the way.

"Hey watch where you're going witch I could've killed you!" Said a weird old man with a British/English accent.

After walking around for a while I realized everyone had a British accent. I didn't even live in Britain. People also wore clothes from the 1800's, I probably would've been fine if it was just one person, but everyone was like that!

As I walked down the street I couldn't help but but wonder if all this was a prank, but something in me knew otherwise. As I wandered around I heard some people talking about Jack The Ripper, which was weird because they were talking like he was still alive and killing.

I thought I heard some ladies gossiping about the Earl Phantonhive. To be more specific Ciel fucking Phantonhive! I walked up to them, hoping to get some answers, but the weird ladies stared freaking out when I talked to them, they called me a witch and other rude things.

At the end of the day I was tired, with no place to sleep I found an abandoned alleyway, and collapsed on the trash. I was tired and confused, most of all confused. I used my backpack as a pillow and curled up, hoping to get some sleep. I thought about what happened and was I really in the 1800's. I checked my phone again, but sure enough the screen still read 3:13, the time I was transporting to this strange world. Was this really happening? Or was this a dream?

"I wonder if this is a dream or not, will I meet Ciel?" I wonder aloud. "God I sound crazy," I said sighing.

Right when I was about to go to sleep, a scream pierced the night. I didn't even think about it, I got up grabbed my bag, and ran towards the voice.



If you didn't already know this I have decided to write my story in past tense, you'll understand later;) sadly that means I have to read through my whole story and edit it, again! But it's worth it in the end, peace out nerds!

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