Chapter 11

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          A/N: continuing off of chapter 10, just saying so you guys aren't confused. If this story is like crap, then I'm sorry. So continue on if you want to read. Also thanks for over 100 reads I'm thankful for that :)! ON WITH THE STORY!
          Word count: 1,203 (not including Author's Note)
         Surprise there's not warning lol.

Suko's p.o.v
          My eyes fluttered open, as I looked around. Confusion hit me, as I thought, 'This isn't my house. Where am I!'
          Memories then flooded to me, and I felt embarrassed. I swallowed hard as I felt warm arms were wrapped around me. Me eyes widened, as I slowly turned me head. Donlack had his arms wrapped around my stomach. I shuffled around a bit, and then tapped his shoulder. His eyes slowly opened, and when they did, he yelped, and flew off the couch.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to sleep next to you, it kinda just happened!" He cried, his face as red as a tomato.
I chuckled, but stopped as soon as a pounding head ache hit me. I swallowed hard, and moaned. Donlack's face contorted into worry.
"W-what's wrong?" He asked, his eyes glowing with worry.
"M-my head.... it's h-hurting." I whispered.
Donlack crawled over to me, and put his hand on my forehead. He sighed and nodded, while saying, "You have a fever."
          I nodded and laid back down on the couch. The pain slowly decreased as I started relaxing. Donlack got up from the ground and walked towards the kitchen.
"Wait... Donlack? Where are we?" I asked.
"At my house, silly." Donlack called back.
          I nodded my head, even though I knew he couldn't see me. I closed my eyes and listened to the silence of the house. I heard birds chirping outside the living room window. Rolling over in my side, I faced the window.
          "Here, Suko." Came Donlack's voice.
          I yelped, and jumped up. Donlack chuckled, while I glared at him. He handed me a pill and a glass of water. He smiled brightly as I examined the pill in my hand.
          "This is to help with your fever." He smiled.
          I let a small smile pull at the side of my lips, plopping the pill in my mouth and taking a swig of water, gulping the pill down. I put my legs down on the ground, in front of me.
"So, you feeling a bit better?" Donlack asked.
I looked up at him and smiled, while nodding. His lips curled up in a smile, as he sat beside me. The couch sunk with his weight. I watched him from the corner of my eye. He was staring at the TV. Of course it was off, but I could tell he didn't know what to do.
"Awkward silence." I whispered.
Donlack laughed loudly, cocking his head to the ceiling. I sniggered, and looked at Donlack. His eyes were glowing with happiness. I only raised an eyebrow, still smiling.
"Wanna go out somewhere?" Donlack asked.
"I'm sick." I laughed.
          "Well don't be sick and lazy. C'mon, let's go." Donlack laughed.
          "I-I need to take a shower... and change my clothes." I whispered, my face heating up.
          "O-oh... right... I'll lend you some clothes." Donlack smiled.
          I nodded and slowly stood up, knowing I might fall if I get up to fast. Donlack got up as well, and walked to his room. A few minutes later he came put holding some clothes. I gladly grabbed the clothes, and walked towards the bathroom.
          I ripped my clothes-- or what was left of them-- off, and let the water run for a few minutes to help warm it up. A few minutes of waiting I stuck my hand under the faucet, hissing as the  water burned it. I slowly stepped into the shower, letting the scalding water run down my body. This helped with my sore muscles.
          A knock at the door signaled me that I had spaced out sometime during my shower. I turned off the shower, and stepped out, grabbing my towel, drying off and wrapping it around my waist. I looked at myself in the mirror, and as expected, looked awful.
          My face was pale, and scratched up. There was a bruise around my neck. Bags were under my blue, bloodshot eyes, and my chest was all scratched up. I swallowed hard at the sight, and slowly turned to look at my back. It looked as bad as my chest and stomach.
          Another knock at the door signaled me to hurry up. I quickly threw on the clothes-- that were much too big for me-- on, and dried my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and saw my black hair was a mess now.
          I quickly whipped open the door, and saw Donlack standing there, tapping his foot impatiently. I quickly looked down, and mumbled a sorry. Donlack chuckled and said, "It's alright."
          He patted my head, and grabbed my arm pulling me out. I yelped, and let him pull me out the front door. Luckily I was wearing socks, so my feet weren't burning as bad as they would if I wasn't. Once we got in Donalck's car, he threw shoes at me. I quickly caught them, and pulled them on, tying the laces. He turned the car on, and drove out of the parking lot.
          The radio was blasting and the AC was on high. I barely focused on my surroundings listening to every word of the song that was on. I started to hum along once I got the tune of it. Of course Donlack was singing at the top of his lungs, making me laugh, so I lost the tune in a fit of laughter. When the song ended, Donlack was laughing so hard, tears were falling out of his eyes.
          A few minutes later we pulled up to the mall. I looked at Donlack confused, but he just winked at me, and climbed out of the car. I followed suit, closing the car door behind me. Donlack ran towards me, and yanked me towards the entrance. I was so confused but it seemed like he knew what he was doing. I looked around the mall, and there were already a lot of people there. I sighed and let Donlack pull me the way he wanted to go.

Dililac's p.o.v
          "Where is he? I thought he would be here by now." I mumbled.
          "Maybe he's just taking his dandy ole' time?" Yoake said, in a country accent, laughing.
          I giggled, and looked around the food court. I finally gave up looking and plopped down in the seat next to Yoake. She slurped her smoothie, and texted on her phone. I raised an eyebrow at her, but she only shrugged her shoulders.
          "Why are we even here?" Yoake asked me.
          "We are here to discuss yesterday's events." I sighed.
           I told her this about ten times already, and she doesn't seem to be listening. She just hummed her approval, and went back to her phone. I sighed and laid my head down on the table.
          "Yo, why you looking so gloomy?" Came a really familiar voice behind me.
          I whipped around and saw Donlack. He was holding Suko's arm, and looked like he was dragging him the whole time. I giggled at the scene, then went back to serious mode. Donlack at me looked confused. I sighed, and finally cut to the chase, saying, "Suko.... we really need to talk."

The Dragon Boy (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang