Chapter 13

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          A/N: okay, what happened to my story being unnoticed and no one caring?! Seriously you guys are awesome, and thanks for the support! Enjoy the chapter, I'll try to make it extra long since you guys are amazing.
          Word count: 2,256 (not including Author's Note)

Kofuku's p.o.v
          I sat down next to Suko, and waited for him to talk. What I really wanted to ask is why he looks like a walking zombie. I swallowed my question, and stared into his amazing blue eyes. They looked dead.
"Hey, Suko... are you feeling okay?" I asked.
"Y-yeah." He stuttered and looked at me.
"So what happened? Why is everyone looking like they saw the devil's balls?" I asked, resting my head in my hands.
"Well. The school collapsed yesterday." Dililac answered.
"What?! How?!" I cried.
Surprise filled me to the brim as I looked at the four people who sat in front of me, and weren't finals coming up soon? That really sucks. Suko swallowed hard and looked over at me.
"Erm... well you see..." He began.
He told me the whole story, and I listened intently. I felt my blood drain from my face as he finished the story. I bit my lip, and tried to find something to say.
          "Why the hell did you provoke that Shi guy?" I asked, finally breaking the silence.
           "I-I didn't. He just came to my school saying he was angry I ran away. I-I... don't understand why." Suko stuttered out.
          "Suko.... that guy seems really dangerous. It's a miracle you are alive right now," I sighed, looking over at him. "You need to be more careful."
          "I... I know...." He whispered.
I shook my head and crossed my arms, still wondering why this man was so angry when Suko ran away. It made absolutely no sense. I looked back over at Suko to see him rubbing his arm awkwardly.
"Suko. Does he know where you live?" I asked, quickly.
"Erm... I don't think so." He replied in a small voice.
"That's not reassuring." I hissed.
"Well... I don't think he does... I mean... argh." He huffed out a breath and looked at me with irritation in his eyes.
"Sorry, I'm just curious." I shrugged.
"So... do you think he is actually hunting you?" Donlack asked.
"I-I have no clue." Suko whispered.
I shot up from my seat, and said in a loud voice, "You will be coming to my house for the next month!"
"What the hell!" They all said simultaneously.
"What? I thought it was a good idea." I said.
"I think he should come to MY house." Donlack hissed.
"No! He will come to my house!" Dililac shouted.
"No mine!" I yelled.
"Guys!" Suko interrupted.
Everyone looked at him. His eyes were glowing with anger, and he was squeezing his hands into fists. He whipped his head towards me, and stared at me, hard.
"I have a damn headache! I do not need to hear fighting right now!" He shouted.
Everyone fell silent. Suko moaned and put his head in his hands, massaging his temples. I swallowed and asked, "Did you take medicine? I could buy you some if you didn't."
"No, I didn't take anything." He groaned.
"Let's go get you some." I whispered.

Suko's p.o.v
The pounding in my head made me want to pass out. I groaned, not knowing where we were heading. My feet just moved on their own.
'What the actual hell! How do I even have a head ache?' I asked myself.
"Erm... Suko... you okay?" Came a voice.
I snapped out of my stupor and saw that I had stopped in the middle of walking. My face heated up in embarrassment. I quickly nodded, and began following Kofuku again.
A few minutes of walking, we finally got to the right shop. Kofuku went in, while the rest of us just stayed out. I leaned against the wall, the head ache progressively getting worse. I growled to myself, and slowly slid down the wall, not caring how weird I looked. Kofuku finally came out of the store and handed me some pills. I quickly opened them and swallowed one.
"Wow... I'm surprised you didn't need water with that." Kofuku said.
"This damn headache is killing me... I don't care if I needed to drink cyanide with it." I hissed.
"Nice to know you can still joke when you have a pounding headache." Donlack sniggered.
"Shuddap." I mumbled, looking at the ground.
The headache slowly disappeared as we walked around the mall. I then stopped in the middle of walking and looked down. Donlack looked back at me and asked, "What's up, buddy?"
"I want ice cream." I said in a small voice looking up at him.
He laughed and grabbed my wrist pulling me towards an ice cream shop. The three girls decided to go their separate ways and shop by themselves.

"You're such a kid." Donlack laughed while I licked my ice cream and kicked my feet.
I only stuck my tongue out at him, then continued eating my ice cream. He only smiled at me, while watching me eat. I giggled and asked, "Wanna try some?"
He hesitated a bit, before saying, "Sure, why not."
I handed it to him, and he took a small lick out of it. He then gasped and said, "This is the best ice cream I've ever had!"
I laughed and he handed me back my ice cream. As I was finishing up, my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID, and it read Unknown. I shrugged and didn't answer it. Donlack looked at me, concerned. I raised an eyebrow in question, and he finally asked, "What if that was Shi?"
          "Erm... I don't think it was." I mumbled.
          "O-okay... if you say so." He stuttered.
          After a few minutes of just sitting there, we decided it was time to go back to Donlack's house. I called Dililac and told her we were heading back to his place. She said that was fine and hung up.
          "Ready?" Donlack asked, as I buckled up.
          I nodded my head, and stared out the window. After a few minutes of driving, I heard Donlack mumbled something. I looked over at him and asked, "What?"
          "I... erm... I accidentally took a wrong turn."  He whispered.
          I looked at him incredulously, and made a noise of disbelief. He smiled at me, sheepishly, and returned his amber eyes back to the road. I huffed and looked out the window again.
          "I-I'm sorry." He stuttered out.
          "It's fine." I grumbled, still staring out the window.
           Ten minutes later, we were still driving. I looked over at Donlack, to see him sweating badly. I asked if he was okay twice already and he responded both times with a yes. I didn't believe him, but I left it at that.
          "Donlack, where the hell are we?" I asked, getting slightly irritated.
          I heard him sigh, causing me to look over. When I did he just shook his head, and said, "I have no idea."
          "Y-you're kidding... right?" I asked quickly.
          He shook his head. I could see the confusion and frustration in his eyes. He then pulled the car over, and slammed his hands down on the wheel. He growled in frustration and looked back at me. I only shook my head and felt sweat drip down my face.
          "Suko, I am so freaking sorry. I have no  idea where the hell we are." He hissed in frustration.
          "H-hey... it's fine... you'll be able to find our way home." I mumbled.
          His eyes quickly snapped up at me, anger burning in them. I looked at him with confusion and surprise. He then yelled, "What the hell am I doing?! I have no idea where we are! How can I find my way back home, huh?! Answer me that Suko!"
          I just looked at him, surprised. He then growled, "Exactly. You have no damn clue, do you?"
          "I-I... we can find our way ou-" I began.
          "No we can't! Stop saying that!" Donlack interrupted.
          I paused, and stared at him, hard. I realized he was just angry and needed to let his anger out on someone. I just hoped he would've been able to keep it in. I swallowed a lump in my throat and looked back out the window. Tears of frustration started stinging my eyes and I banged my head against the window. The headache was coming back, and Donlack was angry, meaning he would be shouting. I need to find a way out of this.
          'Damnit! Why now of all times! My head is killing me, and I have no idea where the hell we are! Neither does Donlack apparently!' I shouted at myself.
          I looked back over at Donlack to see his elbows on his knees and his hands holding up his head. Why do I have a feeling this is all my fault? I hissed at that thought and decided to get out and get some fresh air. I opened the car door, and slammed it closed, leaning against it. I rubbed my temples as the pain in my head stared building. Of course Kofuku had the medicine.
          "Hey, Suko." Came Donlack's voice.
         I looked behind me, to see him walking toward my side of the car. I followed him with my eyes as he stood right next to me, and whispered, "I'm sorry."
          I leaned against him, and put my head on his shoulder. I then muttered, "It's fine. It's not your fault."
          He then sighed and asked, "How can it not be my fault? I'm the one driving the damn car."
          I then hesitated, before saying, "People get lost all the time. It's fine."
          Silence fell between us. Then he whispered, "We should try and find our way home then."
          I nodded and got off him. He opened my car door for me, and I gladly climbed in. After getting buckled in, Donlack slowly started driving the way we came. I looked out the window again, and my eyelids started getting heavy.
          I woke up with a start as I heard a car horn. I felt the car jolt to a stop as I heard a scream. The sound of shattering glass and crunching metal filled my ears as I felt pain. I had no idea what was happening. I tried to cry out but nothing came out, and pain filled me. Then everything went black as I no longer felt or heard anything.

Dililac's p.o.v
          I got a phone call from the hospital a few minutes ago. They notified me that Suko and Donlack had gotten in a three car collision. Suko's state being critical, but Donlack's wasn't bad. Only a broken arm and a few scratches. Apparently a drunk driver next to them  ran into them and the car behind them hit them as well, because they were on their phone. Those two drivers died, having no one else in the car.
          Tears fell out of my eyes as me and Yoake rushed to the hospital. I was speeding down the highway, going way past the speed limit, and finally pulled into the parking lot. I flung my door open, and slammed it closed Yoake not long behind me.
          I rushed into the hospital and yelled at the lady behind the desk. She told me to calm down, but I shouted, "I will not calm down! My two best friends got in a car crash, and one of them might die!"
          Yoake was behind me, rubbing circles on my back, and cooing at me like I was a baby. I hugged her and cried on her shoulder, as she calmly told the lady their names. She told us what rooms they were in, and that Suko was still being operated on. I cried harder as I heard those words come out of her mouth.
          "It's okay Dililac. They're going to survive this." Yoake cooed, still rubbing circles on my back.
          We both went to go sit down. Tears were spilling out of my eyes, as I stared at the ceiling. Not even an hour later, Kofuku came bursting through the hospital doors, and running to the poor lady at the front desk. She started asking questions immediately. Yoake quickly ran over to her and calmed her down.
          We all sat in silence as we listened to the lady typing on her computer. It's probably been hours since the lady last told us that they were still operating on Suko. I had had enough, and charged up to the front desk. The lady stopped typing and looked at me over her glasses.
          "Why the hell aren't they done yet?!" I cried.
          More tears slipped out of my eyes, as the lady said, "They are trying their hardest to keep him alive, ma'am."
          I swore under my breath, and went to go sit down, putting my head in my hands and crying silently. This wasn't how things were supposed to go in life. I was dreaming of graduating with Suko, and going to college with him. Me and him had the same dreams and we wanted to go to the same college. Now my dreams are being smashed right in front of my eyes.
          I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I let my hands fall, as I fell to the side, only to be caught by Yoake. I put my head on her shoulder, as more tears fell out of my eyes. Why the hell did this have to happen? This is so unfair. My vision started getting blurry as my eyelids started getting heavy. I slowly drifted to sleep, happy to finally get away from the harsh reality.

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