Chapter one-The Ministry of Magic

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Lily Collins as Danielle^^^^^^above

Advisory: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling....I am simply changing it to my ideas. All characters, objects and settings in Harry Potter, also belong to her.

She sits fiddling with the little ripped piece of paper in her hand. Never has Danielle been keen on dating, let alone a blind date. For the past ten minutes she has been thinking it over and over weather she should call the number written neatly in black ink on the little piece of paper.

Finally with a nervous intake of air, she stands up from the bench, and walks into the telephone booth, a couple yards away. She closes the door firmly behind her, and now begins to read the number. 624-4289.

With much hesitation she begins to type the numbers on the keypad.

"six, two, four.....four, two..."

She halts momentarily, wondering if she should even continue. She still could bolt out of the booth, toss the number in the nearest bin, and pretend this never happened. Why did she even bother, she knew she wasn't going to go through with it.

Her thoughts are interrupted by a cool female voice, which sounded to come not from the receiver, but as though there was a invisible woman standing next to her, speaking.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business." The Woman's voice echoed.

She was confused on what was happening, wondering if she was talking to an operator, or had she dialed the wrong number? "Er..." She didn't know if she was supposed to speak, so she simply replied into the receiver. "Danielle Clark. I think I have the wrong number."

"Thank you." said the cool female voice. "Visitor, please take the badge and attach it to the front of you robes."

There was a click and a rattle, and she saw something slide out of the metal chute where returned coins usually appeared. She picked up the square silver badge and noticed it had Danielle Clark, Thinks she has the wrong number printed on it. She studied it, confused on how the badge came out of the coin chute, and once again the female voice spoke.

"Visitor to the Ministry, you are required to submit to a search and present your wand for registration at the security desk, which is located at the far end of the Atrium."

Right, wait what? Did she just say wand? Danielle thought, now beginning to think this was some sort of prank.

Just then, the floor of the telephone box shuddered. It almost seemed as it was sinking into the ground. The pavement began to rise up past the glass windows of the telephone box. Now wishing she had never entered in the first place, she turned to leave, but she was completely surrounded in darkness. She began to panic, wondering if this was just a dream, and began coming up with an explanation to what was happening to her.

There was a dull grounding noise, which did not comfort her ears. It sounded like an lift that was out of order, and like a lift she felt as if she was descending downwards. To her relief, golden light sprang up around her feet, then rose until it hit her in the face, blinding her sight. The booth hit what must have been the floor with a gentle thud.

"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant day." said the woman's voice.

The door of the telephone box sprang open, reveling a long splendid hall, with polished black floors, lined with what appeared to be fireplaces. It was packed with odd looking people, walking hastily, as if they had somewhere to be. What stuck her most about there appearances were the rather odd cloaks they were dressed in. Not wanting to leave the telephone box, she turned around, and quickly began pressing keys. Nothing happened.

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