Chapter two-Hogwarts Express

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"Is she alright?"

"Merlin Harry, we wouldn't be in this situation if you just escorted her out of the ministry!" Said a soft female voice.

"How was I supposed to know she was a muggle?"

"Well we better sort this out before the ministry finds out she is here. She is wanted you know. I heard Malfoy was attacked coming back from his hearing. They will want to obliviate her more now. They don't want a muggle who is a threat to wizards."

"Well it serves him right! He probably deserved it. I would have killed to see him stunned by a muggle."


"Oh come on! You feel the same way about the ferret!"

"No I don't. Besides, he was proven innocent."

"He was a death-eater!"

"A death-eater whom Dumbledore tried to help. He knew at heart-"

"Are you defending him!"

"Of course I'm not Harry. I'm just saying people change is all."

Danielle was confused by this conversation, but recognized at least the mans voice. Her forehead was numb on the left side, and the pain in the back of her head, caused her to wince.

"Miss Clark......are you feeling alright?"

Danielle's eyes opened seeing a brunette woman standing over her. "Where am I?"

"You're at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. I'm Hermione Granger, an assistant Healer here."


"It's like a doctor or nurse in the muggle world."

The door opened to the little hospital room. "Ms. Granger, there is someone here to see you." The man whom just came through the door announced.

"One second I'm seeing a patient. Do you know who it is?"

"It's Mr. Weasley."

"Oh Harry I better go talk to Ron. Can you stay here?" Hermione asked.

" yeah..sure."

The door closed and it was now just Danielle and Harry in the room.

"What's going on? I have a roommate she is probably worried that I'm not back yet."

"Do you want it straight?....or do you want a muggle sensitive version?"

"I want to know the truth."

"Ok fantastic. So you are a muggle. Which means non magic folk. You somehow entered the ministry of magic, which is the main government for witches and wizards in this area. So since we are a Wizarding society, we try to keep magic hidden from muggles like you. We can do that by obliviation, which is a simple memory charm really. Makes you forget about our kind, or any magic you saw. However if you marry a wizard and are a muggle you don't have to be obliviated. For instance my mother was a muggle-born. She had magical abilities. Sometimes that happens, muggles will have powers. She ended up marrying my father, a wizard, so therefore I am a half-blood, the child of a wizard and a muggle. Then there are pure-bloods, which means they have 100% magical blood. Basically they don't breed with non magic. Most pure-bloods believe wizards and muggles should be separate, but other pure blood family's, like the Weasleys are very nice, and treat muggles as their equals. Luckily in this region we allow inter muggle and wizard relationships. So anyway, I brought you here to the largest wizarding hospital in the area. I think I stunned you too hard, and you hit your head when you fell."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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