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Dwell on the future of your life
And the time in between
Because our life is just a blip
Just waiting to be seen
Our time is yet to come
Because our day is drawing near
When we won't have to cry
Or ever shed a tear
So focus on the good times
When your not really alone
When you read that really good book
Or finish a good poem
For our lives are just stories
Waiting for us to write
But sometimes we forget we are the author
And hesitate because of fright
Don't forget your passion
Of the stories not being told
For there will be that one day
When you will be perpetually cold
Remember those who love you
And even those you love to hate
Because inevitable is reality
And most of all don't forget the date
Because our lives are always numbered
By minuet, hour and day
But because we are human
We are afraid of what others will say
Don't hide your stories
Behind the status of your fright
Because one day those stories
Will give some one all their might.

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