It cant happen now

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  I stare at this book. This book about this stupid condition. Why do I have to read this?
  I glare up at my mother who is currently watching me expectantly like I have some spectacular exclamation to make. I raise a brow and she rolls her eyes and sips her wine. That's all she does now. I watch the wine glass, the tiny bubbles floating to the top of the alcoholic liquid that we choose to poison ourselves with.
  It's funny. I'm sitting here dying without consent and she's choosing to ruin her life. I blush and a slight anger shoots through me. I quickly dismiss it and look up at her, snapping back to reality.

  "Did you hear me?" She glares at me, her face set in a snarl. I shake my head and balance my heads weight on my left palm. She groans and escapes to her bedroom. "Stop being depressed!! Get out of the house, Ashtyn!! I'm serious!!"

  I sigh heavily with a slightly squeaky moan trailing it. I quickly sot up out of the chair and my chest tightens and I feel a harsh pop within me. Pain shoots down my left side and I seize into a coughing fit, gurgling liquids as I do.
  My mother runs to me, her hand resting on my back as she holds my breathing mask for me.
  "Shhh calm down baby it's okay.. it's ok-" her words cut off as she watches my hands, her eyes widening as she drops the mask.

  "Shit.." she runs to her room and stand in the doorway dialing numbers and speaking quickly. "911? Yes this is an emergency my son-"

  I block her out as I look down at my shaky hands. Red fluids cover my fingers and palms, my blood oozing down my arms and onto the white marble floor. Im dying. I cough again and I feel my inside tearing. Fuck. I'm dying. Tears fall down my face as the pain becomes too much to bare.
  I look up and try to balance myself on the table. My blood slips across the side and sends me falling to the ground, the fluids drilling out of my mouth. Help me. Please.


I awaken with a mask over my face. I'm in a vehicle I know that. I can't open my eyes. I feel the machine helping me breathe again but this time it's rapid and it hurts. "We're losing him!!" I hear one of the men around me yell. Losing? Is it really a loss?

I try to cough but I can't control my body. I try to move my fingers. Fail.

I begin to panic slightly, not my mind but my body. Uncontrollably shaking and jerking. The monitors around me begin beeping loudly and aggressively and I slowly begin to lose consciousness.

  The world begins braking apart. The voices around me slipping away. This can't happen.. not now not yet.

I feel a tight squeeze then a pain like no other hit me.
  I'm back.

  I hear everything, every voice.
  "We've got him!! He's back! We've got him!!" I hear a male beside me rejoice as he sticks a needle in me.

  Yea. I'm back.

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