Chapter 31

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Carter's POV

When I asked the 3 of them what happened. No one answered. This meant they had something to hide. I really didn't have the time for this. I asked Max as he is usually the truthful one. He told me his side of the story. That didn't explain why the rogue was bleeding. When I found out why he was bleeding and how they caught him, I was pissed. Before I could say much, the rogue was coming to his senses so I asked the other 3 to leave. There was something familiar about this guy. Once I was sure he was awake, I started talking.

"How are you feeling?" as expected he didn't answer my question. "Water?" I held the glass of water out to him. He took it and drank it. 

"Are you the alpha here?" he asked after a while.

"Something like that. You look too young to be running around on your own. How old are you?" I asked.

He replied with, "You look too young to be running a pack, how old are YOU?" There was a lot of irritation and attitude in what he said. 

"I'm 21." I said without a second thought. I was starting to see how he thought.

"I'm 16 and a half." he said without any attitude this time.

"I'm Carter. What's your name?" I figured he would only answer if he thought he was getting information in return. 

"I'm Alec." He said looking around. "Where am I? Why are you being nice to me?... I've heard rogues usually get killed as soon as discovered." When he said that, I knew I had made the right decision by sparing his life. 

"You're right. Rogues usually do get killed. So why do you consider yourself a rogue?" I asked.

"Well... I was running around on my own, wasn't I? I don't belong to a pack anymore and... I have no family left." he said like it was obvious. I couldn't help feel bad for this young boy. I figured he had seen some rough days from the tone of his muscles and the scars on his back.

"So why did you run away from your pack?" he didn't answer that. He just looked down.

"Alec, it's ok. I'll set you free if you tell me what I need to know." I said re-assuring him.

"Carter, I'm not answering because I know what you're thinking." he said. Now was my chance to know what his thought process was and how he thought others judged him.

"You think I'm just a stupid little kid that ran away from home. If I tell you about my pack, you could probably get someone to pick me up from here. But let me tell you something, they want me dead more than anyone else." He ranted in anger and than seemed to realize that he had said too much so he went quiet again. He took deep breaths.

"Hmm... how about we talk about something else." I was phrasing my sentences very carefully because I knew he was analysing every possible meaning of every single word that came out of my mouth. I was having a hard time figuring him out. He seemed like an innocent kid but at the same time he spoke like an experienced werewolf. 

"Why did you jump off of that cliff?" He looked at me now as I continued, " Also, I'm not very happy about the fact that you attacked my sister." I asked.

"I didn't attack her... infact I hardly scared her... she was the one who almost destroyed my ear drums, have you ever heard her scream?... Anyway, about the jump... it was either the jump or a fight. I didn't want to kill anyone so I jumped. I knew I'd survive but I mis-judged how far I needed to jump and bashed my shoulder." I was amused by this guy's answer. He spoke like I would've if I was still.... ohh no.... I realized that he spoke like an arrogant bastard with a huge ego that belonged to none other than ONE pack. I found myself recollecting my thoughts. I was probably being paranoid, there are a lot of jocks around with huge egos. Something about him told me that I wasn't wrong in my assumption though but I needed to hear it from him.

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