{Chapter 2}

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[One of Them] || {chapter 2}

Previously on:[Two of Them]

The girls looked at her surprised, I looked at her surprised as well, "What the hell was that for?!" I asked confused, she pointed to Camila and said, "Explain to her now!" She shouts at me.


(Y/n) POV

I mumbled idiot softly, I looked at the Camila girl and apologize, "I'm so sorry about big sis, she can be an idiot sometimes." I said glaring at Quinn before looking at them again, "Wait your Quinn's little sister?" A tall Polynesian asked, "Yep her twin to be more specific." I stated calmly, they all looked between the both of us and made a sound of realization, "It would be weird if you all thought we were dating especially since we looked the same." I say smiling happily, I looked at them and realized they looked guilty, "You thought we were dating!" I exclaimed surprised, I shiver at the thought of dating my sister, "No offense big sis but that's disgusting!" I exclaimed disgusted.

"Non taken." Quinn mumbled softly, I tilt my head realizing her silence, "Well now that that's settled explain so you can get your girlfriend back." I say sitting next to her, she looked at me and than Camila before nodding, "The two days I always leave I was at the hospital." Quinn said smiling sadly, Camila didn't seem pleased, "Quinn she's use to be your girlfriend, she needs to know so you can start dating again." I tried explaining, she nods again, "The bite marks are from Arlo, I was watching over him and he seem to bite anything he wants and as for the hickey, yeah Arlo sucks on my neck while he's asleep" Quinn explained, she took a deep breath, "and I was always gone b-because, my sister w-was in a coma for 4 years." She finalized.

Camila, Ally, and the girls looked guilty, "Sorry for assuming you for cheating." Camila mumbled softly, I snorted, "Not your fault it's this idiots fault." I say with a teasing smirk, Quinn glared at me and I raised an eyebrow, "What? Your the idiot that didn't tell your girlfriend the truth when you had all the time in the world to tell her." I aforementioned, Quinn rolled her eyes before scooting out of the booths left side and sitting next to Camila and whispered something into her ear.

I chuckled softly before turning to the other girls with bright eyes, "Soo, who are y'all?" I asked tilting my head with a wide lopsided smile. They seem too look at each other before speaking, "Hello I'm Allyson, but just call me Ally." The vertically challenged one says, I nod and gave her a hug, "I'm Normani, but the girls call me Mani." The chocolate princess said, I smiled and gave her a hug, "My name is Dinah Jane call me DJ or Queen D either works." The tall one said, I giggled and said "Okay Queen D." Than gave her a hug, "see why can't you guys call me Queen D!" She exclaimed irritated, I giggled, "Shut up DJ, names Lauren." I turned to the husky voice and see a beautiful green-eyed girl, I blinked once, twice, I blush a little realizing I stared to long, "Your pretty." I blurted out, I flushed embarrassed, Lauren chuckled softly before saying thanks.

"Ok sis it's almost time to go home, come eat and don't forget you start senior year next week like the rest of us." I hear Quinn's voice say happily, I turned and nodded before skipping to her and sat at the table eating my two burritos.


Quinn and I walked out of taco bell with the girls in tow, Camila was holding hands with Quinn whispering and giggling, I smiled softly at the sweet moment before feeling like I had to ruin it, "Ew get a room, no sex on the street." I said along with the voice of Dinah, we looked at each other before laughing.

"Shut up Dinahsuar you do the same with Mani, and sis your just jealous your relationship is none existent." Quinn said glaring at Dinah and I, before Dinah could say anything I said, "My jealously for your relationship is like your brain, none existent." Dinah, Normani, and Camila laughed and Ally and Lauren chuckled, "Ok (Y/n) is my favorite twin." Dinah said while laughing, I laughed at my sister's disbelief face and walked to her, "See told you I was the better twin Quinny." O said with a smug smile, "Who cares I still got Camila." Quinn said stuffing her face in Camila's neck, I looked at a blushing Camila and a pouting Quinn with a smile, before the feeling of having to ruin their moment came back.

"Don't leave any hickeys now Quinn." I said smirking, her face snapped to me with a face of disbelief once again, Camila laughed and Dinah patted my head, "Yep favorite twin." Dinah said, I smiled up at her and said, "Thanks Queen D." She smiled before walking to Normani, "How about Quinny take Camila home and I ride whti one of the girls?" I asked, Camila nodded completely happy with the decision, "Yeah I don't mind." Normani said smiling, Dinah nodded while looking at Normani, Ah so their dating, good to know😈, I smile deviously yet discreetly, I looked at Lauren and Ally, Ally was smiling and nodding, Lauren just shrugged, I smiled, "Are you you sure sis, are you going to be okay?" Quinn asked worried, I gave her a 'wtf bro' look and she sighed softly, "Ok I'll take Cami home, and you guys make sure she doesn't do extra, the doctor said she can walk and run but not for a long time before she gets tired." She gave a pointed look at Dinah who looked to the side with an uncaring face, I snorted, "I can take care of myself better than you Quinzel so shut up." I said shaking my head and walking to Ally, "Let's go before Quinn starts talking again." I rushed while grabbing Ally's and Lauren's arm and speed walk away.

I heard a laughing Dinah and shout of 'really!' from Quinn, "Do you guys really act like this all the time?" Lauren's voice asked with a chuckle, I snorted again, "All the time, alas it's me who does it just to get a kick out of little Quincy." I said as I let go of Ally and Lauren's arm.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/n: sorry for not updating I really just don't have that type of energy, seeing as I'm a lazy fuck. Also I've been moving around a lot of times, moved three times already and only the first place and this place I live now have wifi, so sorry for not updating. Oh and don't worry I see you guys comments and I don't ignore it, actually when I see it I write/type down a couple of word but than my brain falls dead and I give it another try 10 minutes later. One more thing, I won't be make the chapters as long as the first (which was 4620 words) i might only make it to 1000 to 2000 word a chapter, unless I think to much and 4000 words print on to the page.

Love you all and thanks

One of them(Lauren/You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora