The visitor

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The vile cry of  beasts shake my core. My heavy eyes open to a myriad of valiant tones gliding against my withered ceiling. Distant cries of creatures echo coyly through my bewildered mind. Puzzled, my eyes furiously scan the room, but all they catch is psychotic shades of colour amidst the darkness. Shots of adrenaline aggressively race through my veins as my eyes sort through the madness. "What's happening?", I meekly think to myself, as shades of ruby battles with bold tones of sapphire and emerald on my bedroom's ceiling.

Beads of sweat run meekly across my icy being. My body; as polar as the artic fiercely duels the hot summer's night.  Stunned, hypnotized, numb- my body now lays there, paralyzed underneath the malicious shower of shades. I try to move, but alas the heavens are not so kind. My torso lay comatose; as stiff as a corpse, but my heart, she runs as if no care in the world.  

My fingertips dream of clinging onto my bed sheet. The psychotic cries of creatures a mind could never dream of barrage my ear drums. The howling persists. My senses can't handle it, this sound... it draws closer, and closer- towering over me like a shower of needles. I urn to hold my ears , to protect  them from the horror.

Rays of silver demurely scatters itself across the sombre floor. The  moon and stars watch over my anguish, turning their eyes away from me.  A coy ray of silver escapes, blinding my glass eyes.

A harsh stench of lavender summons itself as the beast's loud cries stops. It basks over me, suffocating me silently, stealing my breath. A gulp of air escapes my clay lungs as the violent stench vanishes. My restricted being is free , alas, it's all gone. The plagues terrorizing me retreat. 

"W-w-what just happened?" I proclaim to myself as I ascend from my once horizontal prison. I tap my cold feet rhythmically against the wooden floor as I rub my withered eyes. I blink, allowing my eyes to a second of rest, but there she is- A woman veiled in the truest scarlet. She sits meekly on my soaken bed, glaring at me with doll like eyes. I feel anxious- nervous , like a drop of white paint on a black canvas. I blink once more...  and here I am, chained to my bed, numb once again.

My heart is in my mouth, I feel every pound on the tip of my tongue. I feel nothing, but I feel everything. The  snoring of street cats drifting from the sleepy street,  the tapping of mice running within the walls and every scent drifting from lonesome kitchens. I close my eyes and pray for the end of this... whatever this is. 

In the blink of an eye she is near me, sitting right by my side. I want to move, I want to ask her what she is.... but I can't. Our eyes meet. They dance to the tune of my heavy heart. Her eyes.. they are as nothing I've seen before; the deepest tones of scarlet basking in bold hues of bronze and copper. "So beautiful..", I think to myself. Here we are, silently staring at each other; I am hypnotized.

Rays of silver shyly scatters itself across her face. She sits there, quietly glaring at me like a porcerlain doll. I blink, ending our gaze. Opening my beaten eyes,  I hope for solitude, hoping it'll all be over, but alas, it isn't. She hovers over me like a cloud of sorrow, immobilizing my breath. Her sanguine robe drifts with the night's wind, softly brushing against me. The blessed aroma of lavender that terrorized my lungs subtly deluges off her, bringing joy to my sense of smell. Here we are, closer than ever; I feel fear, but true comfort.

Her lips move- the softest scarlet, "I am lucifer".

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