When She Cries (Chapter 2)

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When David opened the door to Holly’s bedroom his heart sank with despair. He never expected to see his daughter break down so easily. Holly has been inside the house for half an hour but she was already breaking down. He ran towards Holly’s body now slumped on the floor, her trembling hands covering her ears while she cried.

He held her in his arms, like a fragile glass that would break easily. “It’s alright Holly. Daddy’s here now. Daddy will protect you.” He whispered to Holly and hugged her tight.

He kissed Holly’s hair, hugging her tight as he whispered comforting words to his daughter that he hoped would stop Holly’s painful trance. Her eyes were crying but they seem blank, like she was transported to live in a memory that she never wanted to remember.

He felt weak seeing Holly like that. He couldn’t believe Holly was worse than what he had expected. He sat with her, caressing her hair as she cried. Her sobs were like knives ripping and tearing away pieces of his heart.

It went like that for a couple of minutes until Holly’s shoulder slumped and her hands fell at her side. She stopped sobbing and looked at David.

“Dad…” she croaked.

“It’s okay Holly. I’m here now. Daddy’s here to protect you.” David assured her.

Holly wiped her tears and David released her from his arms. She sat beside him on the floor, leaning on the wall. She wrapped her arms around her knees and tugged on her sleeves to cover the scars branded on her skin as she rested her chin on her arms.

David looked at her from head to toe. Who would’ve thought that Holly would turn out this way? That his sweet little Holly grew up to be like this? She looked the same. She still had her brown wavy hair framing her round face. She still had her gray eyes, drooping like she was sleepy, except now they were filled with pain and sadness. She looked thinner and her voice sounded like she was afraid someone was listening to every word she says.

“Do you want to go downstairs and talk with some of your friends?” David asked.

Holly shook her head, “I can’t face them like this Dad. I’m so dirty.”

“Holly,” David’s voice broke but he caught himself and controlled the trembling of his voice. He must be strong for Holly was weak. What would happen if he acted like one?  “Don’t say that Holly. You’re not dirty.”

“I am dad. I am. You’re just saying that because I’m your daughter, because you want me to believe nothing has ever changed.” Holly answered and looked away. “I want to be alone dad. I just want to be alone.”

David stared at her daughter, grasping for words to say but he couldn’t find any. He wanted to assure her she was loved, that she was safe. But saying it out loud was like lying. Like saying sorry to someone whose parents just died, like reciting pieces of words formed to say in this kind of situation. And to David, it didn’t feel right.

He put his arms around Holly, “Your mother and I love you very much. Never doubt that.” He got up and walked to the door. He paused for a moment and turned to look at his daughter, “And your friends love you too. Specially John.”

Holly’s heart made a quick little dance when she heard John’s name. He was such a dear friend and he had painted her when she was young. But she knew that nothing will ever be the same between the two of them. She can’t keep pretending that bad things never happened to her. And she dreaded the day everyone would soon know about her secret and her hope for a new life would be shattered.

Elizabeth glanced at the stairs. She saw David walking down—alone—and no Holly in sight. She excused herself from the others and walked towards David. “Why isn’t Holly with you?”

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