Chapter 4: NOT A PHONE

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Especially when I was younger everybody was like

"You have a cell phone!"

"What's the square thing on you stomach?"

"Are you pregnant?"

Yes I have heard, "Are you pregnant?" I had this one shirt that when my pump would slide to the front of my stomach it made a tiny bulge. So, and I'm not lying, a man in his 30s, I think, came up to me and said that. I wanted to slap him across the face soooo bad. But there was a cop, and my mom beat me to it.

It was great. He just ran off like a scared kid.

Now people, please, THINK BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING TO ANYBODY!!!!!! It's not hard, it's called common sense!


Then another time we were at Olive Garden and I was measuring my pasta to figure out the carbs. She had a puzzled looked on her face, but she eventually asked,

"What is that?"

My mom answered with, "Its for my daughter."

She looked at me. She looked at my face. Then she looked me up and down. Then proceed to turn to my mother and say the most stupid thing I have heard in my life.

"Your daughter is not that fat."

At that time I was 10 years old, and only 61 lbs. DO YOU FREAKEN THINK A 10 YEAR OLD AT ONLY 61 LBS IS FAT!!?!?!?!? PLEASE GO TELL THAT STUPID, RUDE WAITRESS SHE IS WRONG!!!!!!

I was pissed and so was my mom. I could have sworn steam was gonna come out of her ears and nose. She was seriously pissed as well. But she calmly then said.

"She is a diabetic, wanna insult her again or should I call the manager?"

Then the waitress had the nerve to talk back and say,

"We'll sorry but most people measure there good because they are in need of a diet. And I hate to say it, but she is close."

My mom then got up went and found the manger and brought him back to our table.

"You need better staff!"

She said to the manager.

"You need glasses!"

She said back to the bitc-I mean really stupid waitress

"And we are leaving."

And she was looking at us.

We then proceed to walk out of the restaurant to never return again.


On the brighter side people thought I was the coolest chick around in first grade.

I was in the nurses office testing my blood sugar so I could go to lunch and the "cool kid" was in there too. He had an inhaler so I'm guessing he had asthma or something. Before he left, he looked down at my pump and said.

"You have a phone?"

I was a little confused at first, so I said


"You have a phone? Because that would be the coolest thing ever!"

I had to take advantage of it,

"Um, yeah. It's for emergencies, but it's still pretty cool."


He then left, and I continued testing. But I bursted out laughing with the nurse.

Later that week the "cool kid" and 4 other boys walked up to me, and the kid said

"This is the girl with the phone! I can't believe she has one and I don't."

They all shook their heads in agreement

"Let us see it!"

I took it out and showed them it. They all in unison went

"Cooooool. What brand?"

I didn't know what to say.

"Ummm, I don't know?"

They then said

"Look at the back."

I flipped it over and it just said

"Made in Japan."

They were all amazed.

"But Japan is really expensive!"
"I know, she must be extra rich!"
"She should hang out with us!"

But I couldn't take it anymore. I started laughing like a maniac.

"What's your deal?" the cool kid said.

"It's not a phone!"

I'm pretty sure one kids mouth hit the ground.

I then proceeded to tell them,

"I'm a diabetic, and this is a insulin pump. I use it to keep my numbers down. If those go up, I could get seriously ill."

They just still stood there amazed.

"So yeah, don't touch."

And I walked off down to the lunch room. Best. Day. Ever.

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