Chapter 6: The Future

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Like Cancer, doctors and scientist are working hard everyday to find a cure. So many organizations have been created in order to raise this money to fund the research to find this cure.

Medtronic maybe 5 years ago created this small device called a Sensor. It's like the pump in a way that it has a long inch plastic thing tube that can go in either your hip, your arm, your leg, or your stomach. It looks like some kind if Chinese torture device and almost feels like one going in, but it takes a blood sample every 5 minutes to determine your blood sugar level. It sends a signal to my pump when my blood sugar is either too low or too high. So I can give my self insulin or juice to adjust to it quicker.

It could stay in for 6 days, but it would usually last only 3 days for me which sucked even more because the next day it goes right back in. I hated it with a burning passion. It would never work. It would never go in. It would sometimes read my number wrong so when I would get a reading that said I was high I would give myself insulin, but really I was low! Then it would even just die and next work again after getting a new one! So two years ago I quit using it, and frankly my numbers are better then when I had the Sensor in!

They created a newer one with a shorter needle, and fixed the thousands of bugs. But I don't believe it.

Every year some time in Pittsburgh in November, which is "Diabetes Awareness Month", they have a convention for diabetics to learn about new devices, ways to deal with it, and just learn how to be healthy. It's amazing to just go and meet other people with this disease and know that you're not alone. It's also great because they have amazing food that they serve us.

So far from I've heard on the cure, they think they can take pigments from a pig's pancreas and inject them into a human's pancreas and it should almost restart it into producing insulin.

They told my parents when I was diagnosed that I could expect to see that cure when I'm 26, 27, or 28.

And literally yesterday, May 10th 2014, I read a article that the organization JDRF, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, bought another company that may have found a cure. It's called Smart Cells. They created Smart Insulin which is insulin, but it can tell when your numbers are high or low. So it adjusts to the numbers and reacts like normal insulin should.

And it's in clinical trial thanks to funding by JDRF, and hopefully this should actually be used within the next 5-6 years. Type 1 Diabetics will finally go from Type 1 to Type None.


Thanks for reading this short story about diabetes and little of my life. xD

Read my other stories for my crazy ideas, and insane mind.


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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