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Chris POV
He's new I thought to myself as I watched out the window to the hall as the boy walked past. He was handcuffed to a police officer and with a nurse.
He was skinny but not as skinny as some of the others here. He was nice skinny. A nice build.
He had brown hair and a tan.
He had black skinny jeans on, a black t-shirt on and a pair of vans. He looked tired and distressed. He'd been crying. He'd been taken.
"Stop staring." Joshua a boy much younger than me said as I looked at him.
"Sorry bud." I smiled as I turned away from the window.
"I wonder what he's here for." He said as he shuffled the cards we'd been playing with.
"I don't know. It's to hard to tell at the moment." I told him as he dealt the cards.
"Yeh. I heard you crying last night." He said looking up at me and I nodded.
"I miss the comfort of my home. I also miss my guitar." He nodded understanding what my thoughts were.
"You got to go home for the afternoon the other day though? Right?" I nodded as I placed my first card down.
"Yeh I did. I saw Lara through my window. She was different. She had longer hair and a new boyfriend. He rode a motorcycle how cool. I waved but she just ignored me." I frowned as Josh placed down his card on top of mine. We were playing snap. Original I know.
"Maybe she just didn't realise it was you? Y'know you will have looked different to when you were back home." He was right. I definitely looked different. I'm fatter now. I have longer hair. I'm taller. I have faded scars now.
I nodded trying to make myself believe it more than anyone else.
"Josh?" Jessica our nurse said as she approached us and he looked at her.
"Yeh?" He asked as we stopped playing snap for the minute.
"It's time for you to get ready for bed." She smiled and he nodded.
"Can we just do this round first? Please?" She nodded as we continued to play.
"SNAP!" We both shouted disturbing the other kids around us as we threw out hand down on the pile at the exact same time.
"Sorry." We laughed as we looked at Jessica.
"Who won?" I asked as she looked between us.
"And the winner is.. Josh!"
"Yay!" He cheered as he threw his arms up in the air and the three of us laughed.
"Alright now Josh. Say night to Chris as you'll see him when he goes to bed." She said to the younger boy sitting opposite me.
"How come he gets to stay up later than me?" He questioned as he stood up and put the cards back in the box.
"Because he's older. You know this." She smiled and he nodded.
"Only by 2 years or something though. So when can I stay up till 11?" He asked as pushed his chair in.
"When you're 16." She smiled and he rolled his eyes.
"That's ages away!" He complained as came round to my side of the table.
"Not that long buddy. 6 months," I smiled and he nodded as we hugged, "Don't wait up for me."
He pulled away and nodded. "Alright but still not fair you get up a hour longer than me." I chuckled and nodded.
"I used to feel the same way with the older kids. But I just stayed up in my room. As I used to have a room to myself." He nodded understanding why I would stay up and why I had a room to myself.
"Right I'll see you when you come to bed. Night." He said before he walked off with Jessica leaving me. Alone.
I went and moved over and sat in front of the TV next to a boy I'd seen before. He would look around every so often and speak to himself. He has brown hair. Lighter than the boy from earlier though.
This boy had a jawline. A nice one. He most always has a grey beanie on. Except today.
He would look at me every now and again. He must be 16 or over as he's still allowed out of his room.
I wanted to speak to him. I really did but I didn't have the courage. He looked like he was judging.
A girl was sat to his right. I knew her. Well I didn't. I'd seen her at breakfast and lunch. She had jet black hair but with piercing green eyes. It was a beautiful combination. I think her name was Cara or something.
He scooted away about a inch from her. Meaning he was a inch closer to me. I fidgeted with my fingers as I watched him inch closer to me.
I moved my eyes back to the tv to watch whatever junk was on. Right now it was Monsters Inc. I used to love this film.
I used to know the dialogue inside out. My parents were amazed by it. So was I if I'm being honest looking back at like 9 year old me or something.
"Shit!" I jumped as I turned around to see the nurse I saw earlier with the boy. Shayla.
"Watch your language Chris. I was wondering well if you have shorts and a t-shirt I could borrow for someone to borrow? Just for the night?" She asked and I stood up nodding.
"Yeh. Luckily mum did my washing when I went home. I can go get you it." I began walking towards the door and smiled at the nurse at the door.
"I'm just going to get something for nurse then I'll be back." She nodded and smiled before opening the door and I walked back to my room and opened the door quietly as the nurse held it open.
"Chris?" I heard Joshua's voice whisper as I walked in to the room trying not to wake my roommate.
"Yeh bud. It's me. I'm just getting something ok? Then I'll come back later." I whispered as I got the shorts and t-shirt.
"Hm." I heard him hum in reply as I walked out and gave the stuff to the nurse.
"Was it the boy you were walking with before? That was handcuffed?" I asked quietly as I fiddled with my bracelets.
"Chris you know I'm not allowed to answer these questions." I nodded, understanding.
"But it is my clothes you're giving him." I smirked and she rolled her eyes laughing a little.
"Yes they are for him." She smiled and I nodded before she walked off down the corridor, I shut the door to my room and walked back to the 'Free' area as it was called.
"I'm back." I smiled at the nurse at the door who nodded and let me in. I walked back to where I was sitting originally next to the boy.
"You can't sit there. Cleo is sitting there." He spoke in a nice Australian accent and I nodded. I didn't know a Cleo but I guess you never know what anyone is on about around here.
"Sorry." I muttered quickly before sitting in the arm chair next to the sofa.
He started talking to himself again as I closed my eyes.

"Chris?" I heard faintly in the distance as I opened my eyes slowly, rubbing them.
"It's time for bed now." Jess smiled as I looked around. It was just us alone in here. I guess the others went to bed early?
"Oh right ok." I nodded standing up and looking at the clock on the wall.
"You fell asleep for about three quarters of a hour." She informed me as we started walking back to my room together.
"Oh. I'm sorry. I was just resting my eyes." I told her what I was doing and she nodded.
"It's ok. Just someone in the room was worried about you." She smiled and winked as I rolled my eyes.
"Of course they were. Like everyone fucking is." I kicked my foot off the ground.
"Now, now Chris. What have we talked about?" Again I rolled my eyes as I opened the door to my room, "Not so fast Mister. You still have these to take."
She handed me a bottle of water and my pills. I popped the pills in my mouth and took a mouth full of water before swallowing.
"Right good. Now have a good sleep Chris. I'll see you in the morning." She smiled and I smiled back waving before going into my room and shutting the door behind me.
I quietly tiptoed over to my bed and got my pjs from under my pillow and quickly slipped them on as I turned the little light on at the side of my bed. Again trying my best not to wake Josh up but again. Like always. I failed.
"Chris?" He whispered faintly from the other bed in the room.
"Yeh Josh. Just me." I whispered back as I got into bed and snuggled up in the duvet.
"Ok. Goodnight Old One." He spoke clearly and I smiled.
"Goodnight Little One." I smirked to myself and I could tell he was rolling his eyes at my choice of words.
I closed my eyes again and thought to myself.
If it wasn't for Joshua and I sharing a room I'd be back to square one. Alone.

A/N: So this is my second chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it. I legit published the first chapter of this book like 10 hours ago and I already have like 17 views. Whoop haha. Anyway yes. As you probably guessed the next chapter is Ethan! It might take a while to write as I don't know a lot about what Ethan's character is like and the fact I'm going away to see my Gran and granddad who are both really sick so I hope you all understand xx
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