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A/N: The chapter names are meant to be like this x
Jakob POV
I looked at the door as I heard it unlock causing me to crawl backwards up the bed more into the corner of the wall. The door opened slowly as I kept trying to huddle myself more into the corner.
"Good morning Jakob. It's just me." A calming voice said as she walked more into my room and shut the door.
I nodded at her as she began to walk over to me. She had a bottle of water and a tub with her. No. I hate this.
"You need to take these." She smiled as she handed me the bottle of water and my pills.
"What? Why?" I asked as I pushed them around in my hand.
"Because they'll help you get better and keep you better when you are better." She stood as she folded her arms across her chest.
I looked up at her and she was looking directly at me. "Can you stop looking at me like that please?" I asked as I was uncomfortable. She continued looking at me for a couple seconds before she diverted her gaze.
"Sorry." I looked as the pills before I quickly put them in my mouth and took a gulp of water and swallowed them all in one go.
"Well done. Thank you." She thanked as she looked at her watch.
"It's time for breakfast now. So if you'd like to come with me, I can take you there?" I looked at her as I shuffled down my bed a little.
"Um sure?" She smiled and walked towards the door and waited for me as I put my shoes on. I stood up and walked over to her.
"Is the food good here?" I asked calmly as we stepped out into the corridor and she shut the door.
"I mean it's better than food at school." She smiled. Her smile was pretty. Like very pretty. She led me along a corridor until we got to a big hall. It was full of people all around my age.
She walked in and pushed the door open holding it open for me. Heads turned to look at me as people studied me. That was then followed by whispering. I fiddled with my necklace. "Don't worry about all them. They are just curious. Why don't you go sit down and I'll get you your breakfast. Just for today though." I nodded as I looked for a place to sit down.
I walked slowly with my head down to a seat in the corner of the room that was empty. There were other people sitting at the table but I tried the best I could to stay out the way of them and moved my chair as far as I could into the wall.
One of them had brown almost black hair. He was around my age it looked. When he laughed he'd smile. That smile was beautiful.
I looked at him quickly to see him looking right back at me smiling. Showing his teeth perfectly straight and white. I bite my lip quickly before looking away.
"Here you go Jakob." I looked up to see Shayla there with a tray with food on it. She put it down on the table in front of me.
"T-thank you." Why did I stutter? Ugh!
"I'll be over there if you need anything ok? I'll introduce you to these boys." I nodded as I looked at the three pairs of eyes looking at me.
"This is Chris," She motioned towards the boy with the black hair and he smiled at me again, "Joshua." A boy I'd say a couple years younger maybe looked and waved a little.
"Hi!" He spoke and I smiled back at him before looking at the other boy.
"This is Calvin." He was older maybe around 18 or he just looked it. I don't know.
"Well I'll let you eat up then I'll come see you later." Shayla smiled and I nodded before she walked off and I sighed as I looked at the tray.
There was a bowl full of milk with coco pops in it, a slice of toast with butter on it on a plate and a plastic cup with water in it. There was also a spoon next to the bowl.
"Isn't that your shirt?" The younger one of the three of them said to Chris I'm sure his name was. He nodded while biting into his toast, "Why does he have it then?" I looked down at the top I was wearing. Yeh it wasn't mine but I was given it by the nurse.
"Josh it doesn't matter don't worry about it. I have other tops." The younger boy glared at me before turning back to his older friends.
"So Jakob was it?" I looked up to see the boy opposite me. Calvin.
"Y-yeh. J-Jakob." Definitely fucked that up.
"Well it's nice to meet you Jakob. I know it's scary here when you first come but I promise if you make friends and do as you're told. It's not as bad as you think." I nodded and looked down at my food again as I took little spoonfuls of cereal.
"I'm Chris. It's ok when you start to get better. Why don't we all go around and introduce ourselves? Tell each other a little bit about ourselves?" The others all nodded as they looked at me to see if I wanted to do so.
"Ok." I breathed out and they all smiled.
"I'll go first," Chris smiled as he took a sip of his drink, "So my name is Chris Lanzon, I'm 17 and from Sydney. I have a cat called Sammi and a best friend called Lara but I think she's ditched me, Josh is also a best friend. I love to play guitar and I love photography. I also love singing."
He sounded a bit like me with the singing and guitar part.
"My names Joshua Miller but everyone just calls me Josh. I'm 15, 16 later this year. My best friend is Chris and I like doing magic tricks with cards. I'm originally from Brisbane but I moved here with my family when I was around 9. I also have a pet rabbit called Snowy." He smiled as he pulled his packet of cards out his pocket and put them on the table.
"I'm Calvin Craig. Um I like cars and learning all about them and stuff I also love girls. I have no pets and I'm from Sydney. Nothing much interesting." Oh no. It's my turn. They all looked at me as I took a deep breath.
"M-my name J-Jakob Delgado," Breathe Jakob breathe, "I have best friend sister Rose Mikaila. No M-Mikaila Rose. Sydney. B-Brody my dog." I looked down I definitely messed that up. I got my own bloody sisters name wrong!
"Well it's nice to meet you Jakob." I looked up to see Chris grinning at me. He was actually quite handsome.

The nurse led me into a room that has a big TV, a pool table, sofa's, chairs and tables. It had quite a lot of people not lots but around 15 people in it. "This is the chill room. You need to ask me or any other nurses before you can come in here. This is where you can socialise with the others and make friends. Of course you don't have to but I'd say it's the best thing to do."
I nodded as I went and sat on the corner of the sofa as others were looking at me. I closed my eyes as I thought about what happened after having breakfast. I mean the boys were nice but I don't want friends. I don't need friends. I'm fine on my own.
After that and I'd finished I had to go speak to the doctor dude that came. I didn't talk though. He was going on about why I'm here and how I need to take my tablets but I don't need to take them. He doesn't know anything.
I'm perfectly fine.
"Hey Jakob!" I jumped as I opened my eyes to come face to face with Chris. Great.
"Hi." I mumbled as I looked away and he sat next to me he started talking and I just nodded my head as if I was listening even though I really wasn't.
"So how fucked up are you to end up here then?" I heard that and stood up.
"I'm not fucked up!" I shouted as I pushed him backwards onto the sofa, "You are! I don't need to be here!" I hit him as I felt myself being pulled away. I tried to fight back but I couldn't. They were to strong.
I know one thing though.
That Chris boy will never ever be my friend!

A/N: I updated and I wrote a lot more than I planed too. I never realise how hard this story would be to write. I do t wanna hurt/offend anyone so I'm trying my best not to do so. Apart from that though I hope you are all enjoying this book! Xx
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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