Waking up with a sore neck in an unfamiliar bed didn't shock Nabi as much as it should have, all she could think about is the night before. Everything in her new bedroom is white, the walls to the curtains hanging in front of the window that took over all of where a right wall would be, leaving a view of the sky and grounds of the garden.Rubbing her neck, Nabi stands up from her bed and takes her camera from her suitcase, which was brought up last night whilst her and Seokjin were out, and is about to take a photo of the sunrise when someone knocks on the door.
"Hello?" Nabi asks, lowering her camera, "you can come in."
"Miss Sung," Melissa bows entering the room. "Master Seokjin invites you downstairs for breakfast."
"Do I need to be invited for breakfast?" Nabi snaps, before apologetically bowing. "Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time adjusting to all this."
"Don't be too harsh on yourself," Melissa smiles gently, "I think you'll adapt fine, you're doing just great now, I'm sure most girls would have ran for the hills."
"I wouldn't say he's that bad," Nabi begins to laugh but stops when she sees Melissa's stern gaze. "Why would girls run away from him? He's alright when you get to know him, I guess."
"You'll see," Melissa smiles sadly before bowing again. "I am sorry but I have to go, I have laundry to get to, good day Miss Sung."
"Please, call me-" Melissa shuts the door. "Okay, never mind."
Quiet enters the room as Nabi begins to undress, the feeling of something watching perches on her shoulder, she slips on a loose pastel green shirt, denim shorts and white converse before opening the door and shaking off the feeling.
Only a few maids occupy the corridor as Nabi strolls down it, they all quickly bow to her and scurry off like nervous mice. Nabi doesn't like it. Throughout her life she has always been the on the border of poor and average, most people looked down on her and now everyone is treating her as if she is better than them.
"Good morning," Seokjin stands up and bows to Nabi, she does the same. "I'm happy that we are both early birds, this will make everything more easier."
"Yes," Nabi replies uneasily, taking her place at the opposite side of the long table. "Is it normal for two people to eat this far away from each other?"
"I wouldn't know," Seokjin clicks his fingers and a cluster of butlers come out of two small doors at the back of the hall. "I wouldn't call myself normal, and I'm not close to anyone normal."
"Ah," Nabi cringes at Seokjin's manner, "do you always click at people?"
"Yes?" Seokjin slowly puts his hand back on the table. "Do you think it's rude?"
"Quite frankly, yes, incredibly rude." Nabi replies, earning a couple gasps from some of the butlers. "They're workers, not your slaves."
One butler begins clapping but immediately stops when he sees Seokjin's stare.
"Fine," Seokjin raises his hands in defense, "I won't click my fingers for attention anymore, happy?"
"You really are a rich, arrogant brat," Nabi shakes her head and takes a sip of water from her glass. "You're going to have to change your attitude if you want me to live with you for the rest of our lives."
"A lot of ladies have told me that they like my attitude," Seokjin says the word ladies slowly, "doesn't it make you feel butterflies? Does anything create butterflies within you? I have tried flirting, bad boy style, what else do you want from me, woman?"
"Did those ladies perhaps want your hand in marriage?" Nabi rolls her eyes, "I want you to stop with trying to impress me or whatever, just be yourself if you want me to like you."
"I can promise you that you don't want to see my truest form of myself," Seokjin says after all the butlers have left the room and the only thing with them is food and drinks. "I have the joy of showing you different parts of myself, but none of them are fake."
"Do you have a personality disorder?" Nabi asks, taking a bite out of a banana. "You can tell me, I have depression."
"You have depression?" Seokjin says sadly before quickly clearing his throat. "I don't have a personality disorder, I'm just very complex. Have you watched Shrek? What a stupid question, of course you have watched it, do you remember the scene where Shrek is talking to Donkey in the field? Well, he explains that ogres have layers like an onion, that's like me except I'm no ogre; I'm too handsome to be an ogre."
"Are you seriously quoting Shrek right now?" Nabi nearly chokes on her food from laughing. "I didn't know rich people also watch Dreamworks' movies."
"Of course we watch Dreamworks' movies," he frowns. "I also love to play on my Nintendo Switch on Mario Kart."
"You learn something everyday I suppose," Nabi sighs, "do I really have to stay here for thirty days?"
"Am I that boring to talk to?" Seokjin lowers his face before smiling. "Joking. Are you already feeling homesick? It's only been one day..."
"I just feel out of place here," Nabi looks down at the floor. "It's suffocating, can't we both go somewhere today? You could tell everyone that we're going on a date somewhere."
"I'd still have to bring bodyguards," Seokjin rests his chin on his palm. "But I could have it arranged, as long as we actually go on a date, deal?"
"Deal." Nabi smiles, "I would shake your hand but you're approximately ten meters away from me."
"What do you want to do for our special date?" Seokjin wiggles his eyebrows. "Want to go to one of those one night motels?"
"Is this your perverted side?" Nabi throws an orange at his head, it splatters all over his face. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I didn't think-"
Beginning as a quiet chuckle turns into an explosive laugh as Seokjin falls onto the half crying and half laughing.
"Living with this strange man might not be as bad as I thought," Nabi thinks to herself as she laughs with Seokjin. "I need to get used to it, he is going to my husband after all."
Your favourite author is back! Not really your favourite, but I am back! I have six weeks off after next week, I estimate to write and finish ten books in that time; are you ready?
+It Was Love - ZICO (feat. LUNA)+
+Eternity - VIXX+
+Bad Boy - Big Bang+
+The Last - Agust D+
+Knock Knock - TWICE+
+Blind - 4MINUTE+
+Boy In Luv - BTS+
+Bingo - 24K+
+Sleepless Night - SHINee+
+Sing For You - EXO+
+Crosswalk - Jo Kwon+
+Wee Woo - PRISTIN+
+Oh NaNa - KARD+
+How Can I Say - DAY6+
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The Moth and The Butterfly
Fanfiction"The moth is known as the devil's curse yet the butterfly is known as God's handmade creation." #16 in #BTSAU