"Seokjin has said many things about you," Namjoon begins, sipping on his red wine slowly, "all good things of course, Seokjin and I go way back. It's unfortunate that you messed up the mission, but it was one of your firsts, so I'll let you off. My question to you is: why are you doing this? You could be killed, you could kill someone else, or you may have to go through endless torture without spilling anything. That leads onto my question for Namjoon: have you prepared Nabi enough for this? No offense, but she is merely someone you have just met and the amount of knowledge she knows about this ordeal could ruin the entire plan, I don't want to have gone through all of this for her to blow it all up."The three sit in chairs designed to be in a triangle formation, each looking to each person in turn. Usually, this room would be used for family meetings and such but since his parents aren't at home he decided to use this room.
"Of course you're not sure of Nabi yet," Seokjin says glancing at Nabi to give her a quick smile. "As you know, I don't trust anyone, but I trust Nabi. Nabi is going to be my wife one day, it would be inevitable to keep her in the dark forever, but I understand where you're coming from. This is serious business. I hope you quickly learn that Nabi is trustworthy and reliable. I think she is perfect for this team, we need her. To answer your question: no, I haven't. She has experienced me shooting someone from a near distance and has seen a tower with people inside blow up, but I haven't prepared her for the worst, yet."
"I too understand your worries, who wouldn't be frustrated that someone new has your friend's trust in an instant? I am aware that you're concerned that I may ruin everything; all I can do is try to persuade yo to trust me, trust us." Nabi adds, leaning out of her chair. "This world is a scary place, I understand that. I don't know anything yet, I am an amateur for sure, but I will try my best and hardest to become the best. I want you to trust me, I really do, yet I need you to try to trust me too. I'm sorry I messed up the mission, I should have been more careful. My answer to your question is: I am mostly doing this because Seokjin will be my husband and I want to support him. Probably not the inspiring reason you thought I was going to say, right? I must admit, I don't like killing people and I don't like blowing things up, I am doing this because it's the only acceptable choice."
"Another bottle of red wine," Seokjin shouts to a man nervously standing in the corner. "And make it quick."
"Just because your parents pay them doesn't mean you can not talk to them with respect," Nabi scowls at him. "Have some manners, and here I thought the rich were supposed to be the ones that had the good manners."
"Are you ever going to stop nagging me about how I act towards my sla- servants?" Seokjin folds his arms and looks away. "They don't mind, if they did they would put in a complaint to my parents."
"And get fired?" Nabi shakes her head and looks at Namjoon. "You agree with me, right? Seokjin, I'll stop 'nagging' when you stop disrespecting people."
"I have to agree with Nabi," Namjoon chuckles at Seokjin's gobsmacked expression, "I must admit, you are rather rude to your staff. They always look at you as if you're a man on a plane with a bomb strapped to him, it doesn't cost anything to be a little nicer."
"I am nice," Seokjin raises his voice before pointing at Namjoon. "You traitor. You're supposed to be on my side."
The butler from before enters quietly, opening the door softly, taking a deep breath.
"Good evening, Sir-"
"Stop stuttering and-" Seokjin stops when he sees Nabi's and Namjoon's raised eyebrows. "Fine, you don't have to be scared, just please, top up Namjoon's glass... thank you."
"Wasn't too hard was it?" Nabi giggles softly once the butler leaves the room. "With a bit of practice you might even be a good person."
"Ha, ha, very funny." Seokjin rolls his eyes and cracks his knuckles. "What time is it?"
"Eleven o'clock," Nabi and Namjoon answer at the same time.
"You guys are weird," Seokjin huffs, leaving Nabi and Namjoon laughing. "I regret introducing you to each other, Nabi, you're definitely not meeting the others."
"I don't think she should either," Namjoon replies quickly, smiling sheepishly. "I mean, I don't think she's ready."
Namjoon mentally slaps himself, while Nabi and Seokjin look at each other in confusion.
"Why do I need to be ready to meet a few people?" Nabi yawns. "It doesn't matter, I'm tired, I think I'm going to go to bed now."
"Do you want me to go with you?" Seokjin says making him blush and Namjoon burst out laughing. "I didn't mean it like that! I just, Namjoon stop laughing!"
"I'll be going now, I don't think I need help walking down the corridor, but thank you." Nabi pats Seokjin's shoulder. "It's been nice meeting you, Namjoon. Maybe tonight I'll remember where I've heard your voice."
Both the men watch Nabi walk out of the room and shut the door behind her, Namjoon stirs his drink.
"Maybe," Namjoon smiles grimly, wiping a tear. "Sweet dreams."
"I can't believe you were on your side, why are you so quick to betray me?" Seokjin shakes his head and dramatically falls down into his chair. "And why are you so against Nabi meeting the others? I don't seem to find a reason to not introduce her.."
"I don't think they will be as understanding as I," Namjoon downs the rest of his wine. "I think it's time for us to go to bed too."
"Uh, okay." Seokjin eyes Namjoon suspiciously before lightly hitting himself. "The maids cleaned your room this morning, but if there is one speck of dust don't be afraid to tell me."
"What happened with trying to be nice?" Namjoon picks up a bottle of champagne from underneath the table. "I'll bring this with me, good night."
Do the latest chapters feel like fillers? I swear everything will make sense and fall into place soon, I just want to plant hints first..
I am still doing the pen pal thing if anyone else wants to do it, school starts soon so I'll try to update as much as possible before.
+Mama - BTS+
+Jackpot - Block B+
+Knock - KNK+
+I Don't Love You - Urban Zakapa+
+Baby I'm Sorry - MYNAME+
+Queen - HISTORY+
+Oasis - 24K+
+My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark (Light Em Up) - Fall Out Boy+
+Why So Serious? - SHINee+
+Spring Day - BTS+
+Nine In The Afternoon - Panic At The Disco+
+Come Back Home -2NE1+
+Don't Come Back - HEIZE+
+Agust D - Agust D+
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The Moth and The Butterfly
Fanfiction"The moth is known as the devil's curse yet the butterfly is known as God's handmade creation." #16 in #BTSAU