another shane one shot

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What the fuck was she doing here? It's the only place she felt she could run to after she knew she broke Carmen's heart. Cherie's. But seeing her father with that other woman.. do what she has always done just reminded her who she really is.. she almost fooled herself. Almost believed that she could do it, almost believed she could be the one for Carmen's heart.. but Shane knew that in the end she would hurt carmen so much more if she did marry her, and that's the last thing she ever wants to do. she did love Carmen, but Carmen deserves someone who will forever be with only her.. Shane can't control herself, let alone trust herself. She felt like damaged goods. So she ran, straight back into Cheries drug fucked arms. The woman who broke her own heart.. the woman who made it even harder for Shane to trust, but Cherie saw Shane for  what she really was.. and still accepted her, still wanted to know her.
Something felt different though, when she woke up on the fold out chair out the back in the middle of a party. Looking around she finally realised what the fuck was going on and what she left behind leaving Carmen at the alter.. having slept the high off she felt dizzy and light headed yet had a clearer mind. Finding Cherie she realised she had made the biggest mistake of her life. It finally dawned on her. Shane made some shitty excuse to leave, after getting angry at Cherie for putting down the possible only love of her life. rushing out of that house as fast as she could, she needed to fix things. She needed to find Carmen, she needed to explain what was going through her head, she needed to make her understand. As she raced to Carmen's mother's house she tried to see Carmen, but instead like she deserved.. she got slammed back onto the sidewalk by Carmen's cousins and spat on like the monster she was. She didn't deserve forgiveness, it was in that moment that Shane realised she really had lost the best thing that happened to her. She quickly limped back into the car and drove off as fast as she could, like the faster she would go the less pain she would feel. It was over and she had to accept that, though she knew she never really would.

--}}im so tireddd, this OS didn't work out the way I had it in my head lmao.

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