Twenty; Phone call

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(I'm just gonna be writing what they're gonna say, you guy's can imagine the rest bc I suck at writing details lol)

  Ethan is calling


Hi baby

How are you?

I'm fine, I'm really happy you had fun yesterday.

I'm just happy I got to see you again

Me too, and I'm so sorry about the restaurant thing. I know I told you we weren't going to one, but I figured you were hungry-

Ethan its okay, it wasn't your fault and yeah I was kinda hungry but the ice cream you bought me was delicious

So you're not upset?

Of course I'm not, i saw you yesterday! That made my day!

I love you so much Daniella. Imma miss you so much when you leave

I love you more Ethan

When are you guys going back to L.A?

We're not

What do you mean? I thought you guys were only here for vacation?

You really think we'd come and vacation here in freezing Chicago? Ha no we'd go to Miami dude

Why are you guys here then?

We're all here for college, we all got accepted!

You're gonna live here? For four years?!

Yes! Isn't this great!

Uh yeah it's great! Why didn't you tell me before?

We weren't technically on good terms then were we now?



Move in with me.


Move in with me.

Um why?

Because I wanna be with you every day, you won't bother me if that's what worries you.

Don't you think its too soon? We've literally been dating for two weeks

So? We love each other. Isn't that what really matters?

But Ethan we just-

I'm not forcing you to, I understand if you don't want to

It's not that I don't want to-

Then what is it?


I just wanna be with you.

Me too

I love you so much it's insane

I love you more, I'll move in with you.

Seriously? Look if I pressured you I'm so sorry, you don't have have-

No, I want to. I wanna be with you

You sure?

Positive. I'm gonna go to the laundry room, I'll talk to you soon

Okay, I love you.

I love you more.

A/n: sooooo???

Texting; Ethan Cutkosky 2Where stories live. Discover now