Forty-Seven; Real Life

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A/N: this chapter contains mature content (shocking 😆). I've gotten tons of messages saying that Ethan and Daniella should have an intimate scene in the book (felt so awkward writing it but issa okay lmao) and since I haven't updated in so long, I decided to come back with a bang! So please if you are not comfortable reading anything of this sort, please do not read this chapter. Enjoy! P.S: this is a long chapter!

Daniella's POV

Ethan and I had decided not to go to our planned vacation. Nothing bad happened that made us not want to go anymore, we just didn't have the motivation to go anymore I guess.

Things were back to normal....sorta.

Ethan had became more protective of our relationship. He said he didn't ever want us to breakup ever again. He wants us to have a happy relationship ship. One where neither of us are paranoid about one of us ending things soon. We promised each other.

He promised me.

I promised him.

And hopefully our promises to each other are fulfilled today. Today, Ethan and I mark one year. One entire year. Our relationship has not been in the slightest perfect, but we obviously did something right that kept us together for this long.

My life before Ethan was so simple. I'd wake up for school, shower, eat, work, sleep, and repeat. It was a constant cycle. But with Ethan in my life now I've dealt with so much more than I ever did before. I've dealt with heartbreak, anger, love, confusion, and so much happiness. My life is no longer that constant cycle and for that I'm so thankful.

We have plans today, which I'm so excited for. We have reservations at our favorite restaurant and plans at the park later. Nothing big I know, buts that's what we love to do together. I just hope the snow doesn't ruin anything.

I wake up to an empty bed and the smell of pancakes. I get up from bed and walk to the bathroom for some freshen up. As soon as I'm done I walk towards the smell of pancakes and bacon.

I walk into the kitchen to find a shirtless Ethan facing the stove cooking. I walk over to him and hug him from behind.

"Hi." I mumble quietly against his back.

"Hi baby." He greets me, still turned to the now finished scrambled eggs on the stove.

"It smells delicious." I complement him as soon as the amazing smell of food he's cooking reaches my nose. "I'm surprised you're even cooking."

"Well, today's a special day." He chuckles. When I look up I see Ethan watching me, a smile on his face as he hold two plates full of food.

"Oh really? What's the occasion?" I ask smiling.

"You and I have been together for a year now." He says smirking, he sets the plates down on the table and makes his way towards me.

"What?" I ask laughing a little as he just continues to stare at me.

"Nothing, nothing..." He trails off as he steps closer to me closing the space we had between each other.

"What are you doing?" I watch his actions carefully and confused. Ethan only shakes his head and quickly presses his lips on mine. The kiss is a bit rough and passionate, but so tempting at the same time.

His hands start to wander around my body before resting them on my hips for a while. He then lowers them to the point where he's running them up and down my thighs in a slow seductive motion as he pushes the night gown I had on up to my waist.

"One whole year without being able to touch you, Daniella. An entire year biting my lip just watching you, imagining all the things I want to do to you. I crave you every fucking day."

Texting; Ethan Cutkosky 2Where stories live. Discover now