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As I sat in the art room during lunch shading my newest drawing of a pink genderless creature with a Japanese feel to it, they wore a white mask and gloves, a girl walked up to me and I could already tell she was a bitch. Bleached blonde hair , fake tan , a shit ton of make-up making her look like a clown , shirt hah what's that all I see is a bra in the wrong size , shorts? Who? All I see are denim panties.

She twirled a piece of her hair around her finger with a knife attached to it as she leaned across the table showing me her obviously surgically altered boobs as show by the fading scars around them. "Hey there" she spoke with a low voice dripping with lust and passion,obviously trying to get my attention I ignored her as I continued to shade in the pink alien named them Lola.

I heard her give a huff of frustration thinking she'd leave but a second later I felt a hand land above my groin area as I jerked away From the table flustered almost falling off one of the generic wheely chairs the art room had. She smirked seductively now noticing she held a bright bubblegum pink lollipop in her hand as she walked over to me in her bright pink barbie heels. Placing a hand on my shoulder she leaned in to my ear "how 'bout we go somewhere more private" she pulled away grazing her lollipop across my lips as she sat on my desk in front off me.

"N-no thank you , I-i have class " I stuttered out flustered. She bit her lip "oh come on they won't miss you for one class" she fluttered her eyelashes at me with a small pout. Just as I was about to reply the teacher walked in "miss.smith your not a student of mine so you have no reason to be up here so I'd suggest you leave" he crossed his skinny arms still looking terrifying seeing as he was so tall easily towering over the girl, she scoffed "its Becky and Mr.Biersack I'm just visiting gee-bear here!isn't that right gee-bear" she giggled dumbly turning to me and biting her lip again. "That's enough Miss. Smith leave now or I'm calling campus police" he said pinching his nose obviously annoyed. She huffed in annoyance "you ruin all my fun" she muttered as she walked away swaying her hips as she walked.

I look up at Mr.Biersack "thank you sir" I said quietly , he chuckled "its no problem couldn't have one of my best students missing an important class, now could I " he sat at his desk placing the paper he held in front of him "important class?" I asked curiously moving my chair back to my desk and laying my head on my arms as I looked over at him. He nodded "yep , we're starting a big project today , but you'll need a partner to do it , will you be okay with that Mr.Way?" He asked me looking at me slightly concerned knowing I didn't take well to people. "Y-yeah I'll be fine , but no one will want to be partnered with me" I looked at my desk sadly.

"Nonsense , multiple people want to be friends with you , its just " he bit his lip hesitantly picking his words carefully "they think you act quite ...strange " he said slowly as if it would trigger something. I sighed "I've always been strange sir " I mumbled quietly. He nodded "but besides that , I've picked partners so no one is left out , " he picked up one of his papers "you are paired with one of my best students , Miss.Iero or as everyone knows her as Abigail " he places his paper down looking at me, I nodded my head , I knew her she was talk off the town , the orphaned child gone bad , but I've been told she is a really nice person at heart once you get to know her , but I doubt it.

"And don't worry she is quiet quiet like you so you two should get along just great " he Beamed at me as if he was now addressing a small child, I just nodded going back to shading Lola, avoiding Mr.Biersacks eyes.

-Class Time-

As the bell rang and everyone was seated at their desks and thew late students rushed in, Mr.Biersack started explaining what he told me at lunch and began to tell everyone the pairings , after a few pairs were called out he called my name "Gerard Way and Abigail Iero " I could her some gasps from the group of girls in the corner as the mumbled to each other. I glanced over at Abigail she looked a bit bewildered as she grabbed her black messenger bag with , obviously a handmade design drawn on it with multiple bright and vibrant colors , she also grabbed her sketch book walking over pulling here wheely chair along behind her. She sat beside me and placed her stuff on the empty desk beside mine , she looked nervous "hi?" She spoke quietly after awhile ,it came out more of a question than a greeting , obviously has some form off social anxiety.

I just nodded back in response to her greeting , as I observed her she nervously played with a ring on her finger it was a small one with a dip in it which came out pointed at the end. I looked away as Mr Biersack started explaining the assignment.

"So for this assignment you will have to have a drawing and photograph of your partner doing something they love and with a friend of theirs " he explains walking around dropping papers in front of each of us "anything is except able , " he leaned against his able arms crossed "except for anything in appropriate , including party pieces, sex pieces , private pieces , vandalization pieces and other stuff along those Lines. If I get any of those pieces you will be sent to the principal , understood?" The class murmured a mixture of 'yes's 'yeah's and 'understood's. I just nodded.

He smiled at us all "alright then class , you may leave now the class is about to end , everyone enjoy your weekend"

The class got up mist people hurrying over to their friends to talk while others rushed out the door. I put my sketch book and pencils away into my bag slinging it over my shoulder. I noticed Abigail stood looking at me "s-so wanna work on the assignment this evening?" She asked quietly "i-if you're not busy that is! I-if you a-are that's totally fine" she looked down quickly. I gave a small sigh "its fine I'm not busy , if you want we could work on it now " I replied as I started to walk towards the door motioning her to follow me.

She fell into step beside me "I actually have band practice now , but you can come if you want frank wouldn't mind " she said quietly biting her lip. "Sure I'll come along, the assignment is to capture your partner doing something they love so" she nodded "OK then let's get going" she smiled at me as we started to make our way to the music department in a comfortable silence, we both didn't want to talk and that was perfectly normal and okay.

We reach the corridor containing the old recording rooms I could hear faint sounds of a guitar being played "you practice here?" I asked Abigail , no one ever used these anymore due to the ac being beyond repair and these rooms weren't exactly soundproof. She nodded "yeah its kinda our little space for just us" I could tell she was less anxious now she seemed calmer somehow. Most definitely has social anxiety. We get to the very last room and now I can clearly hear the the guitar , they seem to be playing a nice peaceful song it was slow but seemed up beat.

Abigail turned to me "wait here I have to ask frank if you can watch us practice , don't worry he'll say yes" she then mumbled to her self and I only nearly heard it "hopefully" she smiled at me before walking into the room.

I heard the guitar stop and what sounded like a handshake and then silence as the two probably conversed. It was quiet until the door swung open and there standing in all his glory was frank iero. He was a lot shorter than I imagined him as. I always thought he was this tall buff biker type dude who beat people up , but no he was this short , small figured smiling guy.

"Hey, I'm frank , so your watching us practice today" he spoke his voice was nice , soft but scratchy and confident , his words didn't come out as a question but an answer. I nodded slightly feeling blood rush to my face as he watched me waiting for an answer , I nodded quickly. He gave me this cute smirky lopsided smile "cool , come on in".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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