Prologue part 2

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I gripped my best friend trying to hold back a sob, knowing damn well that I may never see her again. Dramatic? Yes, but it's also the truth.

"Clo. Please be safe. You know I wouldn't be able to handle life if I didn't get to talk to you ever again." stepping away Katie wiped away her tears. It tore me apart to see her like this. "Oh sweetie, you know I'll call you every chance I get. It'll be okay." tilting her head up so she was looking at me, I placed a soft loving kiss on her forehead as is tradition for the two of us.

"HEY. Who said you could be gay without me" Katie and I glance to our left to see a small group of 6 people approaching us being led by the ever deviant Apple. Of course she had a lop-sided smile on her face one that couldn't hide the sadness and furry that were glistening in her eyes.  "I did! She was my friend first you know" Katie made a scene out of wrapping her arms around me and spinning me around.  

"ladies ladies. I know I'm hot but we really need to cut the crap and hug it all out because I have to be in that", I stop for a moment pointing to my brothers car "in exactly 10 minutes". 

"Well shit dude. Guess  we arrived a bit late then huh" Corbin said coming up too me. "Don't get into too much trouble.... or be too big of a hoe" he glanced down at his girlfriend lovingly and gave her a slight push in my direction. Without giving her a chance to say anything to make anyone cry I gave swung my arms around her in a tight embrace. "It's okay Becky. You don't have to say anything, I already know you'll miss me. I mean who wouldn't" I joked around before letting go of her and made my way too where Misty, Luna, and Amy stood.  "Yo u wanna skip the sappiness and just give me a hug" Amy my giraffe friend asked me. I nodded slowly and hugged her tightly before moving on to Luna. "Now listen here you beautiful hippie you. You're gonna call me every night and fill me in on as much drama as you can. Got it" I quickly spoke before giving her a small kiss on the cheek and hugging her. 

" CLOVER. LET'S GO. WE GOTTA LEAVE NOW IF YOU WANT FOOD" my brother yelled from his car window. Without a word Misty stepped in and hugged me. I could tell she was trying not too cry but as soon as she went to let go I brought her back in and whispered that I loved her very much. Not even a moment after that Katie and Apple hugged the two of us together and soon became a group hug, awkwardness and all. Everyone was looking like they were about to cry so I took that as a sign to say "I love you all. Take care, of each other and yourselves. Drink water and make as many scenes as possible. Y'know in honor of me"  I joked.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I stepped away grabbing my backpack and got in the car buckling up and waving goodbye to the people I love I sighed. 

"Let's get this show on the road, brother. Before I start crying please."








.     Hi! This is a super sappy chapter/ prologue part 2 but I was listening to the Steven Universe soundtrack and thinking of how much I love all my friends. So yeah. Stay hydrated my dudes.

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