Chapter 4//"Anastasia Crawford I want you to be my fake girlfriend"

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Chapter 4//"Anastasia Crawford I want you to be my fake girlfriend"

"He randomly messaged you last night. Gurl, he's so into you, he even got your Snapchat" Clara and I were walking in the same direction, but we still had different English classes.

I clutch on to my textbook, having just gotten it out my locker.

"I died when I say the friend request, then I fainted when he messaged me and I swear I dug my own grave when he added me on Snapchat" I whisper not wanting anyone else to hear.

I didn't think River was in school today, I hadn't seen him sitting at his table at lunch. He wasn't in yesterday as well, this seemed to make Nicole cockier around everyone.

"Have you told Andrew?" Clara asks.

"Some things are better hidden from Andrew" I shrug. I wave bye as I enter my class and Clara walks a few doors down.

I enter the class and see River was already there sitting at our duo table, with a beaming smile on hi face.

Something was wrong, he hated English, and he made his feeling for the subject pretty obvious.

"Hey, Anastasia" He smiles happily, showing off his pearly white teeth.

I quietly take my seat next to him, moving my chair slightly away from him, he looked so happy, he might hug me.

Our teacher pushes the door closed so it slams before she starts talking.

"I hope you did the homework last night. I want every pair to join us with another pair. Then there are titles on big sheets of paper, want you to write some of your homework notes on them, like a circuit. 5 minutes at each station"

I take my notes out of my textbook, which I placed there last night so I didn't forget them at home.

River just sits back on his seat unmoving, I see him glance at Leighton.

We always paired up with Leighton and Matthew. I didn't protest because I didn't really care. I always ended up doing all the work anyway.

Leighton as just a funny guy, that always did things that make you laugh. Then Matthew, was a proper jock, with the big ego and loud laugh.

A few years ago I dated Matthew, it was a brief experience, we met at a party and we hit it off.

But of course he was a jock, I was a bookworm and the relationship was barely anything.

Not many people even remember it, which was a good thing but there will always be awkward air between us.

I smile, not saying anything as we join our tables together, We get a large piece of paper saying DEATH, on it and it was circled. I automatically take the piece of paper, knowing I was going to have to write anyway.

"Pass me all your notes and I'll write down the key points," I say speaking for the first time today in this class.

Leighton passes me his and so does Mathew, I look at River waiting for his notes.

"You didn't do it did you?" I say, he never did his homework, except today I was confused. "Then why did you message me asking what it was, you even asked for my Snachat?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. He went to all that effort and then didn't actually do the homework? he even made me send it on Snapchat...

"Bro..." Matthew breathes like I was going to give River into trouble.

"It's just.... It's the baby. I was looking after her" He tells me.

"You're a dad" I ask in bewilderment, didn't usually ask personal questions but this one just slipped out, I close my mouth knowing it wasn't my place to ask. How did I not know he was a dad?

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