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Tyler POV

I woke up at 5:25 a.m. with my mom lightly shaking me awake. "Tyler, honey, wake up. It's almost five thirty."

I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I offered a tired smile to my mother as she walked over to my doorway. She smiled back and bounded down the stairs, probably to make breakfast. I got out of bed and walked over to my full closet.

After searching for a few minutes, I finally decided on black skinny jeans with a lavender wool sweater with a crop-top underneath, because why not?

I grabbed socks, underwear, and deodorant before heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready.

After I got out of the shower, I headed back to my room. It was only 5:45, and Josh was going to drive me to school, so I had a lot of time on my hands. I decided I try to finish that book I got assigned for ELA before the due date crept up on me.

I realized I left my book in my sister's room because I was reading in her room while she was trying to figure out what to wear for a party. I walked over to her room to see her hunched over her vanity. "Hey, Maddy," I said, scanning her room.

Maddy, short for Madison, turned around. Her eyes brightened when she saw me, "Tyler, you look great. But you're missing something." She glanced back at her vanity.

I gave her a confused look, my toes curling in my socks. Thirteen year olds are weird. "Aha! Here it is," Madison turned to me, a tube of lip gloss in her hand. "Here, wear it."

I took the lip gloss from her, "Thanks? Anyways, I was looking for my ELA book."

"Oh, that one play thing about that guy selling messed up plane parts and killing twenty one pilots?"

"Yeah," I was a bit surprised and suspicious she knew the plot. "You know where it is?"

"Well, I think Juju ate it, but you can borrow my copy." Madison was referring to our dog, Juju.

"What?" I exclaimed. "That was a class copy!"

Madison scoffed, "That's why they have book fees. Besides, they just want you to read the book."

"Where did you even get a copy of the thing?"

"Mrs. Clark is making us read it for our next drama play."

"They let you read that in seventh grade?"


I nodded, giving my sister a strange look, "Okay, then."

Madison shrugged and handed me her book, nodding at the lip gloss, "Wear it, it'll look like a banana."

I looked at her, "What?"

"I'm kidding. You'll look great."

I stuck my tongue out at her, "You know about my burning hate for bananas."

"Sucks for Josh," Madison muttered.

I heard her, but I didn't think I heard her correctly, "What?"

Madison shrugged off my question, "Go away. I gave you lip gloss and a book. Leave."

I rolled my eyes, "Girls."

Madison shoved me out of her room, "Tell Josh I said hi!"

"Didn't he give you his number?"

"Yeah, but he said to only call it once everyone's asleep."

I turned around, "Excuse me?"

"Could you please leave?" Madison grinned. "I'm joking. Tell your squad I said hi." She shut the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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