Meeting the Boys

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CHAPTER ONE: Meeting the Boys

"You ready?" My best friend, Wesley asked me.

"I'm a girl, Wes. It takes longer then five minutes to get ready," I reply. 

"Can I come in?" he asked. Being Wes' first and only best friend that's a girl, he didn't know whether to act like his usual flirty self or not.

"Ew no," I laugh. "I'll be done in like two minutes."

"How long does it take for a girl to put on things to go SURFING?" Wesley laughed. 

"Gotta look good for my main man!" I laughed. That sounded more flirty than I wanted it to sound.

"I'm your main man?" he asked.

Wes was very attractive and pretty much the perfect guy. But he just wasn't the perfect guy for me. 

I walked out of my bedroom to find him leaning against the wall of the hallway.

"My main man is the wave I'm about to ride!" I ran past him and out the front door. 

"Bye, Dad!" I yelled out. It wasn't like he cared where I went anyway.

My house was a couple blocks away from the beach, so Wesley always walks to my house then we walk to the beach together. Today was supposed to be the perfect day for surfing.

"Hey, I'm excited to meet your brother today!" I said, as we walked along the boardwalk to the beach.

"I bet he's excited to meet you too," he smiled.

Wesley and his brother, Keaton, were in a band called Emblem3 with their best friend, Drew. I met Wes two years ago before he entered the XFactor. It was one of the best days of my life! Although we've been best friends, I've never met his brother or Drew.

We got to the beach and saw two handsome boys in the water.

"Those guys are hot," I said, pointing to the two boys who were were facing us but not looking at us.

"You think so?" he asked.

"Yeah! Now, where's Keaton and Drew?" I asked.

"Funny you should mention it," he laughed, "Drew! Keats!"

The two boys I pointed to looked at us. "Hey Wes!" they yelled, as they walked up to talk to us.

I stared with my mouth opened. That's so awkward!

Wes looked at me and laughed.

"This must be the lovely and amazing Ivy," Drew said, as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I laughed.

"I wouldn't say lovely and amazing but yeah, I'm Ivy."

"Hi," Keaton said, really shyly.

"Hey, you must be Keaton," I smiled. 

"Yeah that's me," he looekd at the ground.

We all smiled and headed towards the beach. This should be interesting.

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