A Night at the Fair

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I walked into the fairgrounds with three of the hottest guys there. I definitely felt cooler than I would've if I showed up with my friends.

"Kate!" Drew yelled, as a thin brunette with a perfect smile approached us.

She jumped on Drew and they kissed for a while.

"Who's that?" I asked Wes.

"That's Drew's 'friend,'" Wes laughed.

"Do you have a friend coming?" I asked Wes, holding hands with Keaton. If I was going to be with Keaton, there is no chance I could play my flirty role that I did when I was with Wes. I had to make the statement of my relationship with Keat. I couldn't let Wes get the wrong idea.

"Nope. Just playing the field tonight." He laughed it off but I could tell he was hurt by Keaton and I. But that is the way things were.

"We're gonna go get some ice cream! You in?" Keaton asked Wes, excitedly.

"Nah, Man. I'm just gonna walk around," he slumped. 

Keaton and I shrugged and walked over to the ice cream stand- still holding hands.

"Keaton Stromberg?!" A young girl yelled from across the ice cream stand.

Keaton didn't let my hand go.

"Hi!" he said.

"Can I take a picture with you?" she asked, wide eyed, as she pulled out an iPhone.

"Of course!" he yelled. He let go of my hand to take the selfie. He quickly grabbed my hand when he was done, though.

"Have a good night," he smiled. I watched the girl's heart melt as she walked away. I remember meeting my favorite band- Maroon 5. Adam Levine told me I was amazing and we took a picture. I can practically feel how she is feeling right now.

"You make little girls so happy," I laughed. He laughed, too.

The man handed us our ice cream and Keaton handed him some money. We started walking when Keaton's phone buzzed.

"Where are you?" the message said. It was from Drew.

"Getting ice cream... duh! Where are you?" he replied.

"By the roller coaster. Come over! Wes met a girl.. finally!" Drew replied. 

Keaton kept his phone out and smiled at me.

"You're not gonna ask me to take a selfie, are you?" I asked.

He got down on one knee and grabbed my hand.

"Ivy Elizabeth Janderwitz, will you do me the honor of taking an ice cream selfie with me," he smiled.

I put my hands over my mouth and tried to act surprised. I pretended to cry. "Yes!" I shouted out.

He pulled his phone in front of us. We made silly faces and held our ice cream.

"Instagram worthy," he said, as pulled up Instagram on his iPhone. 

He made the caption of the picture "Ice cream selfies with #bae #whatdoesbaemean #she'sawesome #she'sblondebutshe'ssmart."

"Wow the blonde joke made a nice touch," I smiled. He pressed the post button and it automatically starting getting a bunch of likes. He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Off to the ferris wheel we go," he smiled. I just now realized how short Keaton was. I mean, I was short but he was still short. I'm about 5'2 while he's about 5'7. I think his height is perfect.

We got to the ferris wheel to see Drew kissing Kate and Wesley talking to a really- different- looking girl. 

"Hey, guys, this is Annabelle. She's visiting Orange County this summer and getting ready for college in the fall," he smiled.

It's not that she was ugly, but she just didn't look appropriate for a family fair. She was wearing a skin-tight leather miniskirt and a low white tank top. Her hair was big and curly and she was wearing around two tons of make up. 

"Hi, Annabelle," Keaton smiled his cute smile.

"We going on this or what?" Drew laughed.

"Do you mind if I go on with Wes? I need to talk to him," I asked Keaton.

"Of course, kitten. Do what you need to do," he grinned. I don't know when he started calling me kitten but I thought it was adorable. It made me happy that he nicknamed me after his favorite animal. 

"I'm going on with you, Annabelle," Keaton smiled, as he linked arms with Annabelle.

"What?" Wes asked.

"I need to talk to you," I told Wes.

Keaton and Annabelle got on first, then Drew and Kate, then Wes and I. The ferris wheel was huge so none of us could see each other on it.

The ferris wheel started up.

"What did you need?" Wes asked. He looked down at the ground as it became smaller and smaller.

"We obviously need to talk," I said.

"About what, Ivy? You're dating my brother. I'm happy for you." I could tell he was lying when he said happy. 

"You and I both know that's not true. We're best friends, Wes. Tell me what's up," I demanded. I was turned towards him- looking sternly in his eyes.

Then Wes did the unthinkable. He leaned over and kissed me right on the lips. 

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