A Bigger Purpose (FLUFF)

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Just a really quick note!!
Some people have names/nicknames for their SQUIPS. I do personally, so I included that in this story. If that doesn't apply to you, skip over it! Thanks!
((Also! Art used for the cover belongs to me! That's my SQUIP!))


"Hey.... Y/N?"

I looked up from the screen of my laptop to see my SQUIP, who stood at the foot of my bed. He was standing unevenly and was fiddling with the sleeve of his shirt. This was something be did when he acted nervous.

I raised an eyebrow and set my laptop aside,
"Hey S/N What's up?"

He glitched a little when he heard my
chosen name for him. All this time and he still wasn't quite used to it. 

"Can I..Talk to you about something?"

I shot him a concerned look but nodded anyway,
"Of course."

He looked at me, and I could see a flicker of worry flash in his eyes.
"I need to tell you the truth about me... about SQUIPS.... We aren't what you think we are..."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him  with confusion,
"Um... What do you mean? What else would you be for?" I asked.

His gaze broke away from mine and it rested on the floor instead.
"Well, see, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. We are programmed to help you. Or, rather, make you think we're helping you."

He paused and looked up to see my reaction to this first statement. My expression had changed from confusion to interest. I had leaned in, and I was listening intently.

He continued,
"We're made for a much... greater purpose. A more holistic purpose. It's evil, and I'm not proud of what I was designed and created to do."

I shook my head,
"No S/N... This doesn't make sense. You're so kind, warmhearted, and caring. You couldn't even hurt a fly. What's with this nonsense??"

He shifted uncomfortably,
"No listen to me. It's not nonsense. Do you know why I'm like this? It's because you dropped me. You dropped the pill before you took it, and that caused a glitch in my system. You managed to knock something loose in my chip and now my main programming doesn't matter to me."

I pursed my lips, looking down from
him. Was it really possible that he was created for evil intentions? I supposed. He was kind of groundbreaking technology. A tech like him could very well be used for evil.

What if he WAS evil? What if the sweet and innocent act was just a facade to cover up who he really was? Did he plan to hurt me?
I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard him speak again,

"You-...You really think I would hurt you??"

My heart sunk. Dammit. I always forget he can hear my thoughts.

"What? No! No it was just a stupid passing thought. I have those ridiculous thoughts all the time, you know that. I trust you one-hundred percent."

The hurt shown on his face was almost too much to handle.

"S/N!! Honestly. Why would you tell me all of that if you planned to hurt me? I know you wouldn't... c'mon please."

He looked down at his feet,
"I... I just want you to know that because of my faulty chip,  I have a different primary function."

I brushed a my hair behind my ear,
"Yeah? What's that?"

He looked back up at me,
"It's you. You're my primary function."

I could feel my chest swell as soon as he said this. I was almost speechless.

"Oh- I..." I couldn't contain my smile as I got up from my bed and ran to him, embracing him tightly.

"You dork! I love you!!" I laughed into his chest, clutching his shirt.

He wrapped his arms around me too, and rest his cheek on my head,
"I know you do. I'm in your head.... dweeb." he chuckled.

I felt my cheeks get hot. That damn computer.

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