Kissing 101 (FLUFF)

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I threw open the door to my bedroom, feet stomping angrily onto the floor as I made my way to flop onto my bed.

I was fuming. Was it over something completely trivial? Perhaps. But I was upset regardless. My SQUIP realized this, and he appeared next to me,

"It's not the end of the world."
He said in a teasing tone.

I looked up at him,
"Seriously?? My crush said I was a bad kisser. I can't believe I finally had the chance to kiss them and when I did, it all went to complete shit."

I rolled onto my side, facing away from him. I could hear a small chuckle come from his mouth. I wanted to be annoyed with him, but it was almost difficult to stay angry with him around.

"Well... if you're such a terrible kisser... Why don't I teach you?"
He suggested.

I sat up, looking at him,
"Um. What? Why would you-"

He cut me off,
"If it helps you to improve your life, then it would be part of my primary function. Come here."

I pursed my lips. Was my SQUIP really going to teach me how to kiss?? I shrugged a little,
"I GUESS if it'll help me not to disappoint the next person I kiss..."

My SQUIP pat the spot right next to him, motioning for me to scoot over next to him. I couldn't help but break into a smile as I moved closer.

"Okay. Now, when you lean in, you have to tilt your head in the opposite direction that I'm tilting mine. Got it?"

I nodded,
"Yes. Okay."

I watched as he began to lean towards me. I then put my hand up to block him,
"This is stupid," I said through a fit of giggles.

He raised an eyebrow and gave me a disapproving look,
"Do you want to learn how to kiss right,
or not?"

I put my hand over my mouth and laughed,
"Okay, okay. Fine. Sorry let's do this."

He leaned in again, and I tilted my head the other way like he said. As he got closer I could feel his breath on my face. I could feel butterflies swell in the pit of my stomach. I felt more nervous than I did when I kissed my crush.

Perhaps it was because I was REALLY afraid of disappointing my SQUIP? Yeah. That had to be it.

When the gap between our lips finally closed, he leaned into me a little more. I took mental note of his movements. His lips were soft against mine and each kiss was steady and gentle.

When he pulled back, he took one of my hands,
"Take advantage of the fact that you have hands."

He then placed one of my hands on his shoulder, and he placed his free hand on my waist.
"This helps make the kiss more interesting and at the same time, you seem more interesting."

I nodded, and he came in for another kiss.
This time he was a little more forceful. I ran my other hand through his hair, and I pulled myself closer to him.

He responded by changing his position and leaned over me, leading me down onto the bed until my back rested on the mattress.

I could feel shivers up and down my spine when one of his hands slid under my shirt and ran along my side. This earned a small moan from me, and that made me realize what was happening. I felt as if I had been in a trance.

"Woah.. okay.. okay.." I said, breaking the kiss. He looked down at me, and he seemed to have gotten just as lost in that kiss as I did.

He sat back, adjusting his shirt collar,
"Oh I... I apologize. That almost got.. a little out of hand."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks,
"It's... okay. At least now I know what to do if I find myself in a make out session."

SQUIP x Reader One ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora