Chapter 1

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When I was little, I would get bullied a lot because of my eyes.

They were eyes that could see differently than others.. and so I was feared and ignored by many.

My family, were the only people that respected me because of my eyes, but only saw me as a weapon and an object. 

I was young and did not know why having these eyes were so unnatural or important...

One day as I was taking a walk through the village, these mean older boys surrounded me and started to push me around and make fun of me.

"Ugh, what's wrong with you?" they said as they kicked me.

They pushed me down hard, then i got into the fetal postiion and covered my head as they started beating me.

I cried out as loud as i could,

"Help me! Please .. help me...." Just when I had thought all hope was lost.

Someone yelled at the boys and jumped onto me while protecting me with his body as they continued. 

Once the boys went away, I looked up at him and touched his cheek gently.

"A-are you ok...?" i said as softly as I could.

He squinted his eyes a little and tried to move but ended up moving his hurt ankle.

I helped prop him up against a tree, then he said something too soft for me to hear.



"C-can you please speak a little louder?"

"M-my name... it's Ash"

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