Affection + Yoghurt

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AN: let's just set the precedent that something happened to Clint. He got kidnapped, tortured, etc. Since this child has PTSD this is how he deals with that and how his family deals with that.

An: I've included a picture of Clint. Because what I think he looks like in my stories to MCU Clint is different. Also if anyone's ever wondered why my Hawkeye is so violent. I'm completely going with the "Ultimate Hawkeye" story line. But it all really comes down to 616 Clint as well ! 

It was difficult. How do you handle/care for someone who didn't want to be cared for. Who didn't think he even deserved care. Tony Stark knew what his husband could be like post a horrifying experience. However they never got this bad.

Clint Barton responded to nothing. The man spent his days laying idly on the couch, floor or anything he could pass out on. He hardly ate, hardly drank , which meant he got sick easily. It was a constant loop of suffering. Every time the blonde tried to eat , he took one bite before he threw up. It seemed eating made him sicker. Water was taken for the bare minimum to survive.

He didn't sleep. He feared for the nightmares to come. Tony told him that he couldn't anticipate his dreams. Deep down however, Clint knew he would have nightmares. He always did. The blonde reminded Stark of the undead.

Surprisingly. Clint was capable of taking care of himself. Although minimal he ate and drank by himself. And when completely needed he slept, even if it was only for one to two hours. One thing he needed was company. The archer would lose his mind if he were left alone. Yet when offered touch, comfort, he would shy away from it.

Barton refused to see psychiatrists. Stark couldn't tell if he was getting better or worst.

Rarely, Clint would shoot. He would shoot until his fingers bled. It stung but he ignored it. He fired his arrows until he passed out. During these times, Clint Barton, earth's most renowned marksman missed every god damn shot.

One day Stark came home from work. To his pleasant surprise, his husband was asleep. Barton was rolled up in blankets on the living room floor.

In his arms was their son. Ezra was very much awake. As a matter of fact the child was sitting up, watching a movie quietly. Tony walked towards his small family and sat beside his son.

"How was your Dad today?" Stark mumbled as he stroked Clint's hair. Barton looked peaceful as he slept.

"He's been sleeping for a long time" Ezra smiled. Recently the child did as much as he could to help his Dad's recovery.

"Really now ?" Tony smiled. "Did he eat ?"

"He ate yoghurt" Ezra beamed, Tony just smiled even more and ruffled the child's hair. "He ate and then we watched a movie. But he fell asleep half way"

"Really ? That's good" Tony said. "Thanks for taking care of him"


Clint Barton woke up in the comfort of his bed the next day. He moaned and peeled open one eye. He saw his husband, sitting up, eating a sandwich whilst on his phone. Tony seemed to notice as the blonde stirred awake.

"Wow you slept for a record time." Tony commented as he took another bite from his sandwich. It smelt nice. Enough to make the blonde drool.

"My head hurts" Clint mumbled almost inaudible.

"I believe that's what happens when you haven't slept for a whole month" Tony said then noticed Clint eyeing the sandwich. "Oh you're hungry now? I thought you were completely against food" Barton continued to stare. Tony huffed and brought his hand closer to Client's mouth.

The blonde took a small bite underneath the blankets. The small bite ended up being the rest of that sandwich.

"I'm hungry"

"When was the last time you said that ?"

"I don-"

"An eon ago. Dear God what has Ezra done to you ? He made you want to function like a human being" Stark exaggerated greatly. For a while Clint just stared at him, But then he smiled, even flushed a little. He quickly hid himself under the blankets.

Stark pulled away the blanket and watched as Barton continued to smile.

That was the first time Clint Barton smiled in that month.

"S-stop smiling. It's borderline scary" Stark commented, even though he was mostly pleased. He flipped the blanket over the blondes head once more. "There's more food in the kitchen"

"Oh" was all Clint responded with.

"I'll grab some for you" Tony said, "You just rest easy."

"It's okay. You can grab it later" Clint said, "Stay here. You're warm"

Tony hesitantly reached out but stroked the other man's hair. Barton shut his eyes and accepted the affection.

"I know I haven't been the best person to be around these past months but thank you. To both you and Ezra" Barton whispered, "it means more than you could ever imagine" Tony just smiled softly and watched quietly as Clint fell back to sleep.

Barton's recovery was slow but it'll get there eventually.

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