You Wanted To See Me ? [ soft nsfw ? ]

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AN: yall know director stark in the comics? Yeah uwu das it das the plot and clints his commander/second in command.

Third Person's POV


He turned his head around towards the sound of the voice and shut the file that he was reading.

"Is everything alright?" He muttered, feeling rather run down from his week. It was to no surprise to anybody though, it was normal for him to be drained after a mission.

"The Director wants to see you in his office."

He breathed out, full knowing what the hell he was in for. "Alright, can you take this up to my office?"

The folder was handed over and his subordinate nodded before leaving him in peace. He made his way over to see the Director, mentally preparing himself for the lecture he was going to be given.

He scanned his keycard by the door, and it opened to reveal Tony looming over his desk with papers scattered in front of him. A quick glance showed that they were attack plans.

For what? Hell if he knew.

"You wanted to see me?" He cleared his throat and watched as the other man glanced up briefly before pushing aside the papers.

"Have you handed in your report?"

He nodded once and watched as Stark walked around and leaned back against his table, crossing his arms across his body.

"What the fuck were you thinking?"

The question was clear cut and held a sting that he wasn't used to hearing to.

Over the year that Stark had been appointed as the Director of SHIELD, he had grown more confident in a leadership role many didn't think he could live up to. He was professional and always made the hard decision considering how much he knew it would cost him.

If you asked for his opinion, he'd say that Stark had more guts than Fury ever did when it came down to large humanitarian decisions.

His eyebrows furrowed together, "What do you mean?"

"You rushed in there with no backup, you could have died!"

"I knew what I was doing, and I got it done." He bit back, "Besides does it look like any part of me is scathed?"

Tony narrowed his eyes and glared at him. "You disobeyed a direct order."

"Are you telling me all this as my boss or as my partner?" He snapped and he saw the other man twitch.

Their relationship had always been rocky. It was hard to discern professional life and personal life when they saw one another so often.

When they had first started dating, Tony was still just an Avenger. They had a smooth relationship then and to place it simply, they were happy.

However ever since Stark was appointed as the next Director of SHIELD, things started to go astray. He could never quite distinguish whether Tony saw him as a subordinate or as a lover; the line was so thin it was hard to tell a majority of the time. With every growing day, it became harder and harder to separate professional from personal.

Tony then walked up to him until they were inches apart.

"You know Barton." He started as his hand pressed lightly against Clint's chest. "I really hate it when you talk to me like that."

Their knee suddenly jerked upwards and made contact with Clint's groin. The younger man's eyes widened, and it took everything for him not to make a noise.

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