Thank you!

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Author's Intro:

Thank you for choosing to read Hopeflight's Diary. This is a short side story for my OC Hopeflight (As found in my OC book) and goes alongside the story of Lemonsplash's Acceptance. Each part kept short (paragraph entries) and will be dated so that you as a reader, can get a feel of the time. The cats themselves don't know the day or month of course! Each part will be a written in sequence as though Hopeflight herself, was writing in a diary.

It doesn't make any difference to which story you read first don't worry! Though it does contain spoilers for the first two chapters.

(Claim: This story does revolve around depression and suicide, so please bare that in mind if you are struggling yourself...)

Many thanks for reading,

🐱Peace out Warrior fans! 🐈(^ω^)

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