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What was the difference between Heroes and Villains? The answer had often confused Todoroki as he was growing up.

"Heroes are good, Villains are bad." He had been told, but where was the line crossed?

As he lay shaking on the cold, hard wooden floor, a massive shadow looming over him, he again questioned wether his father was worthy of being called a hero or not.

Strong hands grabbed at Todoroki's clothes, roughly yanking him up to drag him across the room. He didn't have the strength to look up at the persons face, nor did he need to, as he knew his father would have the same, angry, menacing look in his eyes. It was always the same.

But as the #2 Hero Endeavour threw his son as hard as he could against the brick living room wall, Todoroki could see something had changed.

His fathers face, usually calm and collected apart from his fiery eyes, was now contorted with rage, his skin tone almost purple. His nostrils flared as he breathed in heavily, another sign that the man was outraged.

The only thing that could have made him that angry - he had found out that Todoroki had been to visit his mother.

Sure enough, as Todoroki struggled to move, his back and ribcage feeling like they were on fire, his father spoke.

"The hospital called to inform me that your mother had a visitor the other day." He snarled, his voice low. "You wouldn't have gone against my word, now would you?"

Todoroki tried to speak, but he choked on his words. With the look on his fathers face, he could tell that Endeavour already knew the answer.

The real beating started then. Punches, kicks and slaps were thrown his way, and Todoroki was powerless to stop them. He was picked up a few times and thrown against various things, the walls, the floor, and even some of the furniture. He may have thrown up from the pain at one point, though he couldn't be sure. It was all a blur. By the time his father had finished beating him, Todoroki was falling in and out of consciousness. As his father stomped out of the room and towards his bedroom at the other end of the house, he knew he wouldn't come back. Endeavour would have something to smoke, go to bed, and would have disappeared to work before any of his kids had woken up for school. Some father he was, leaving his son bloodied and beaten on the floor of the living room, with his two daughters cowering in a closet. He had always been bad, but ever since his mum had been admitted to hospital, Todoroki's father had gotten increasingly worse as time went on.

Todoroki lay there for a while, unsure of how much time had passed. At one point he heard footsteps, but this time it was two sets, walking lightly on their toes, and he knew it was his sisters. Todoroki was glad his father hadn't touched them, they were the only family he really had, and he wasn't sure what he'd do without them.

As they entered the room, one of them stifled a scream. The two broke into a run, coming to a stop at Todoroki's broken body. One sister dropped to her knees beside him, the other still standing. One of them was sobbing.

He wanted to open his eyes, raise his head, speak to them, anything to let them know he was okay, but with the state his body was in, he was unable to move at all.

"Shoto!" One of the girls whispered.

When he did not respond, his sisters got very worried. They had never seen him beaten this badly before.

"Should we call an ambulance?" One of the girls whispered nervously.

NO! Todoroki screamed internally. That would just make everything worse.

"I don't think we should. That monster would kill all three of us if we did, and that's not an exaggeration." The other girl replied.

"What do we do then?" The sobbing sister asked.

"We can't move him in case something is broken, and right now his body is likely to be in shock. He'll have to stay here overnight, and hopefully he can move in the morning. UA opens again tomorrow after their two day break, but I doubt he'll be able to go." She took a shaky breath. "Sorry, I talk a lot when I get nervous. Go grab a blanket for Shoto from his room, will you?"

As his younger sisters' footsteps receded down the hall towards his room, his elder sister sighed sadly. She was stroking Todoroki's hair gently, although he wasn't sure if she was attempting to comfort him or herself.

"Oh Shoto, what are we going to do?" She whispered. He wished he had an answer.

His younger sister returned quickly, and through the pain of his injuries he felt a blanket being draped gently over him. It was only then that he realised he had been trembling, not only from the shock, but also the cold. He was so grateful for his sisters.

It had to have been late by then, and both of them had school the next day, but the last thing he heard before sleep welcomed him was the voice of his big sister.

"Well, I guess we should clean this mess up."

My Hero - a Shoto Todoroki fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant