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Leo's pov:

While Hecate was explaining why she was there i turned and whispered to Frank," remember we were playing
T or D earlier?" I whisper. "Yeah." Frank whispers back. "T or D"I ask. "Uh....... I.......... Er........... Um............ Dare I guess."Frank says whispering like he was scared for his life. I mentally high five myself then get on my trippy-toes to whisper in Frank's ear.

Franks pov:
I instantly regret my decision as I see Leo make a look like he is mentally high fiveing himself. He turns to whisper in my ear and he says,"Ok, Frank I dare you to turn into a dragon as soon as the Hecate kids say the spell."

I wasn't sure whether to be relieved that I dont have to romantically make a fool of myself or worried because of how extreme this spell sounds, so I settled for a neutral feeling of nausciousness. I nod at Leo and let him know i heard.

Nico's pov:
Hཽaཽhཽaཽ sཽuཽrཽpཽrཽiཽsཽeཽ tཽiཽmཽeཽ tཽoཽ gཽeཽtཽ mཽyཽ sཽoཽlཽaཽnཽgཽeཽlཽoཽ oཽnཽ!!!!!!
This entire thing was stupid, did they seriously need me to be here? At least will was here, nowadays he seemed to make everything better, even just the thought of him made everything better. But I still didn't want to be here. I wanted to be in my cabin with my boyfriend. I suppose that if we just got this over with at the latest we'd be back later tonight and maybe I'll be able to catch a few moments with Will. With this thought i grabbed Will's hand and spoke up," Hey are we gonna do this or not." By the end of my sentence i had a deep scowl on and Will looked excited.

Samantha's pov:

Hecate had just finished saying why she was here when that dark gloomy kid with the perky one spoke up. He asked when we were starting(in a rather rude way might i add) so i glared at him and called all of my siblings up. We began to chant and all of them began to glow as i was saying the words i saw a huge shape right before they disappeared.

Clay's pov:
Eཽvཽiཽlཽ Fཽrཽeཽnཽcཽhཽ lཽaཽuཽgཽhཽ
Me and tsunami, glory, sunny, star flight, peril, death bringer, fate speaker,   Riptide, Winter, and Moonwatcher. Suddenly i saw fifteen dragons all of different tribes they were all unconscious. The first was a seawing in just about every different shade of blue there is(Percy) the next was a night wing with deep black scales the occasional purple scale(Annabeth) then there was a sandwing with light neutral shades of yellow scales(hazel) next was a dark looking mudwing (frank)then there was a bright red skywing with dark red accents(Jason)next was a different shades of pink rainwing(piper) then a very interesting dragon, he looked like a living flame but I could tell he was a skywing and by the smoke and singed grass he had fire scales(Leo) then there was a rainwing with light green swirly coloration and pink ends of feet, tail, wings, and snout(calypso) then there was a dark red skywing with bright red accents(Thalia) then a seawing with deep purple almost blue and what looked like gold markings that flashed while she slept(Reyna) then a really dark yet still extremely shiny icewing(Nico) a really bright yellow rainwing with dots that flashed with emotion(will) then a light cocoa colored mudwing(Travis) and dark cocoa colored mudwing(Conner) and last a rainwing that had varying green colored scales(Katie)

This was very weird. How could all of these dragons from different tribes be here, what knocked them out, will they kill each other when they wake up, will they kill us when they wake up!!! We all landed and waited on a nearby cliff for them to wake up.

Hཽeཽlཽlཽoཽ, mཽyཽ fཽaཽbཽuཽlཽoཽuཽsཽ uཽnཽiཽcཽoཽrཽnཽ sཽpཽaཽwཽnཽ!!! 🦄Iཽmཽ sཽoཽ sཽoཽrཽrཽyཽ tཽhཽaཽtཽ tཽoཽoཽkཽ fཽoཽrཽ eཽvཽeཽrཽ bཽuཽtཽ Iཽ mཽaཽkཽeཽ tཽhཽiཽsཽ uཽpཽ aཽsཽ Iཽ gཽoཽ aཽnཽdཽ Iཽ hཽaཽdཽ tཽoཽ wཽrཽiཽtཽeཽ dཽoཽwཽnཽ wཽhཽaཽtཽ eཽaཽcཽhཽ cཽhཽaཽrཽaཽcཽtཽeཽrཽ lཽoཽoཽkཽeཽdཽ lཽiཽkཽeཽ oཽrཽ iཽ wཽoཽuཽlཽdཽ hཽaཽvཽeཽ fཽoཽrཽgཽoཽtཽtཽeཽnཽ wཽhཽaཽtཽ tཽhཽeཽyཽ wཽeཽrཽeཽ mཽyཽ sཽiཽsཽtཽeཽrཽ wཽoཽuཽlཽdཽnཽ'tཽ lཽoཽoཽkཽ oཽvཽeཽrཽ mཽyཽ dཽrཽaཽgཽoཽnཽsཽ, sཽoཽ iཽtཽ tཽoཽoཽkཽ aཽ lཽiཽtཽtཽlཽeཽ bཽiཽtཽ lཽoཽnཽgཽeཽrཽ tཽhཽaཽnཽ eཽxཽpཽeཽcཽtཽeཽdཽ, bཽuཽtཽ hཽeཽyཽ!!! Iཽ gཽoཽtཽ aཽnཽoཽtཽhཽeཽrཽ cཽhཽaཽpཽtཽeཽrཽ uཽpཽ!!!!! Hཽoཽpཽeཽfཽuཽlཽlཽyཽ lཽoཽtཽsཽ oཽfཽ pཽeཽoཽpཽlཽeཽ aཽrཽeཽ wཽaཽiཽtཽiཽnཽgཽ fཽoཽrཽ tཽhཽiཽsཽ aཽnཽdཽ wཽiཽlཽlཽ bཽeཽ rཽeཽlཽeཽiཽvཽeཽdཽ tཽoཽ kཽnཽoཽwཽ iཽ DཽIཽDཽ NཽOཽTཽ dཽiཽeཽ. Iཽ gཽoཽtཽtཽaཽ gཽoཽ bཽyཽeཽ!!! Pཽlཽeཽaཽsཽeཽ lཽeཽtཽ mཽeཽ kཽnཽoཽwཽ aཽnཽyཽ cཽhཽaཽnཽgཽeཽsཽ yཽoཽuཽ wཽoཽuཽlཽdཽ lཽiཽkཽeཽ iཽlཽlཽ lཽoཽoཽkཽ iཽnཽtཽoཽ tཽhཽeཽmཽ!

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