Sixth Period

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Dear Diary, in the back of the class staring at Lia's nice tits,great ass,plump lips.
All I could think about is her in bed with me.
I mean she'd be a great edition to my doll collection. She's pretty much a Barbie in my book.
Pretty face,skinny arms,skinny legs,flat tummy,nice ass and tits,beautiful golden brown skin,her dark green eyes,and curly dark brown hair,I mean she's the definition of perfect.
Her only flaw is that she thinks she's the shit!
Anyways, but right now I'm in my fav class (AKA, Sex Class) and we're learning how to use sex toys properly.
We used the "Ass Slapper 3000".
Mr. Burns slapped the models ass while the class took notes.
" Make sure to slap hard, but not to hard. Be sure to make the moment enjoyable for you and your partner."Mr. Burns said with a smile.
Im pretty sure he loves his job and life. Don't judge it's how I feel he feels!
Well, I better go bc it's my fav part of the class the educational sex video.
Gotta Go. Bye my little dollies!
Your Master,
                      Meghan <3

The class was quiet while watching the video as always Meghan was in the back collecting tips but changed it up in her own way.
You know making it fun for herself and not for her partner.
The bell rang and all the students rushed to lunch.

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