The Bullying Begins...

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I got to the lunch room and got my fav 2 tacos,salad,Popsicle,an apple,and water.
I took a picture and posted it on my Instagram. Same hashtag ever time, #MealTime.
I actually got 185 likes! It's my new record!
"What can I say I'm a great photographer!" Meghan said to herself.
She gobbled down her lunch like she'd never eaten before.
" FAT LITTLE LOSER!!!" Lia said shoving Meghan to the side.
" Sorry but I'm not mirror!" Meghan said with a swift kick.
" OUCH!" Lia said screaming.
Lia scratched Meghan across her face leaving 3 long scratches.
"You messed with the wrong person." Meghan said angrily.
She jabbed her in the side causing her to fall to the ground.
Meghan was tired of the bullying, she was gonna get her revenge.
Lia was now her living,breathing,doll.
She was going finally make her suffer.
" HEY! I'm not finished with you loser!" Lia yelled making Meghan fall out of her gaze.
Lia pushed Meghan against the wall leaving a bruise on her left leg.
Meghan with a jab in the cheek.
They both walk away with anger in their eyes.
"Off to the last class I guess." Meghan said as if nothing had happened.
She walked out the lunchroom taking her Popsicle with her.

She was now in 7 period (aka inventing class) her second fav class.
As she went in she dropped Popsicle in the trash can beside the door and took her seat.
She thought what she was learning could be used as a torture device.
She got out her diary and started to write.

Dear Diary, I just had the best idea what we're learning today could help me control my human dollies especially Lia, boy will she be a handful.
And yes Lia has pushed my buttons and I've decided she's mine.
It's not like people at school will know she's gone. They'll be sad for 20 minutes and then they'll build a bridge and get over it.
Plus it's summer in two days so she won't be missing any school. It's not like she's taking any classes that matter.
But,back to the torture device we're learning how to make those curtain pullers they use for plays.
But, I'm gonna change it up so it I get the pleasure of torturing people.
Well, I better go bc I need to get the details.
See you later my little dollies, Bye!
              Your Master,
                                    Meghan <3

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