Master Plan

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Dear Diary, I just got off then bus and now I'm at the house.
So I overheard Lia talking and say that she was skipping the last two days of school.
So I've decided to kidnap her tonight. First, I'll sneak into her house,put her in the bag and take her to the base. Next,get her to talk. Last,make her my sex doll.
Plus, I'm kidnapping her at 12:00 AM so, no one will see me kidnapping her.
I'm gonna go get stuff together.
Bye my little dollies!
Your Master,
Meghan <3

Meghan got up from the couch and headed up the stairs to her room to get ready.
She put on black lipstick,black eyeliner,black eyeshadow with her black jumpsuit and heels.
She brushed her long black hair into a high ponytail.
It was now 7:45 PM she had to leave in about 3 hours. She was excited and couldn't wait for Lia to finally be hers and hers only.
She decided that write down her excitement in her precious diary.

Dear Diary, Today all my wishes will come true, she will finally be mine.
Everything is ready. Not to mention I put a camera in every room of  her house and managed to put a tracker in her phone. Right now she's in the mall food court!
But, I wanted to tell you what I packed, so yeah.
Sex toys,ropes,chains,taser,baby oil,feathers,knife,paint,gun,tape,and a electric toothbrush.
The rest of the stuff is in my underground base that I've been building sense I was ten.
Surprisingly it's actually 8 acres long and 10 acres wide!
It took me 4 years to build!
To enter the base you have to go to the fireplace open it up to reveal the slide that leads into the base. There will be a locked door that only I can open bc of my special handprint.
Hopefully,know one finds my diary to reveal all my secrets.
I'll write later tonight I promise. Bye my little sex dollies.
         Your Master,
                               Meghan <3

After writing for 3 hours, she was ready to head over to Lia's house.

She was at the house but her door was locked. Plus,Lia was on her couch on her phone.
It was no problem for Meghan, she got to the tree closest to Lia's bedroom and went through her window.
She quietly slipped under Lia's bed waiting for her to come up to her room.


I get off the couch to go to my room and get ready for bed.
I walk in and out of nowhere I'm gagged,tied up,and put into a trash bag.

Dear DiaryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora