Chapter Nineteen: Haunted

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As we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, I felt haunted. Every nook and cranny reminded me of my mum. Painful reminders that she's gone and she's not coming back. It hurt more knowing what I had to do.

Melina was mashing herbs in an old fashioned bowl. A mixture of brown, green and yellow were crushed together. She then proceeded to put them in a pan on the stove.

"Are we having Lucifer over for dinner?" I asked. I wasn't happy that I was made to come down the stairs. All I longed for was a hole to crawl into.
"It's for Lucas." She said without moving her eyes from a very old looking book next to the pan.
"Why? What's the point?" I said stubbornly.
"The point is that your mum gave up her life to bring him here." Melina pointed out. "He's still in wolf form so whatever Clay did to him might be permanent."
"Why should we bother anyway?" I asked. "He killed one of us."
"Eva, he wasn't in the right state of mind." Ginny said.
"So you guys are defending him now. Are you forgetting that this guy was the same guy that my mum didn't trust or has that slipped your mind." My voice was steadily rising and I had started to pace around the kitchen.

"We shouldn't be worrying about him. We should be worrying about the curse and Clay. How are we going to break the curse when the one who knew how to do it, is dead?" I demanded.
"We've got it all worked out." Ginny said. "But we need Lucas. Now I know that you're grieving but you have to put it aside for now."
"Why do we need him?" I asked. I paused in my pacing to look at Melina. She was still looking at that ancient book.

"Your mum forgot two vital ingredients that we need." Melina looked up into my eyes. "She went looking for the fallen star and it looks as though she's hidden it in a cemetery."
"How do you know?" I asked seriously.
"I can sense it. It radiates alot of power. We're taking about serious magic. There's only one thing that feels like that. Not sure if the werewolves know about it yet. Anyway, two of the main ingredients are werewolf hair and blood. Lucas is our only chance. Someone must of told Clay about those ingredients. No way could he have found out on his own. This can only mean that we have a mole in the coven. My guess is that one of them got bitten and is hiding it."
"But I thought witches could sense werewolves." I said.
"They can but love makes us blind. Your mum should of told you about your destiny a long time ago but she didn't. Love makes you do the strangest things."

I thought about that for a moment. What would my life be like if I had known about my destiny. I hate to say it but my mum was right. She gave me something precious. A normal childhood.
"She did the right thing." I whispered. "It would of been too much. I guess we'll never know." There's no point of thinking about what might have been. It's just too painful.

Melina gestured towards the ancient book. "Your grimoire."
"My what?" I asked.
"Witch's cookbook. It has spells and potions in there. Now that Julie is no longer here, it's yours." Ginny explained.
"I don't want it." I said. "I don't want any of it."
"It's who you are." Melina said. She gave me a sad smile. It was still really weird because she was still in Danielle's body. Her words didn't comfort me but her facial expression did. If I didn't succeed, all the witches would die and I have no idea what would happen to everyone else.
"What do you want me to do?" I asked. Ginny and Melina exchanged a look.

"We need you to go inside the coven and find out who's betrayed us." Melina said. "But we can't let you wander around looking like you. The wolves know what you look like and a traitor wouldn't reveal themselves."
"So what do I do?" I asked. I hope this was going somewhere.

"Before you go, I'll have to teach you some more magic. The last element and then word magic." She reached in to the pan and pulled out a long chain. There was a locket at the end.
"I've cast every protection spell I know on this. The others will be forced to avoid eye contact with it but to be safe hide it in your shirt. The coven would know what it is if they looked at it long enough.
"And what is it?" I asked.
"Your way in." She said simply.
"While you're away I'll work more on the potion to save Lucas."

I reluctantly took the necklace. It glowed when I touched it.
"What the hell!" I exclaimed.
"Check out your reflection." Ginny said. She looked like she was enjoying this. Curious, I did as she said. I gasped. I looked unrecognisable.

My hair was blonde and my eyes were no longer green. They were blue and my face was no longer heart shaped. It was long and oval. I looked liked someone who should be hanging out with Hannah. I poked at my cheeks. This was so weird. I still felt like me, only I wasn't. Melina took the necklace from me and placed it in a box.
"Training first then we can worry about the rest." If only it was that simple.

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