Chapter Twenty Two: Highway to hell

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I waited for the pain. For his teeth to rip me apart. But it never came. Instead I no longer felt fur against my body but skin. Lucas was hugging me in a death grip. I tried to push him away but that's when I noticed that he was naked. This got awkward really quickly. At least he's not killing me anymore.

Lucas couldn't find the words. He stared at me like... I don't know. It was eerie and intense. I wish I knew what he was thinking. Then I realised that I didn't care. He can think whatever he likes. It's not going to change anything.

"You better talk to Melina. After I fetch you some clothes down." I said. I tried so hard to keep the emotion at of my voice but I failed.
"What's...wrong?" Lucas asked. His voice was strained.
"Nothing. Everything's peachy." I said and before he could ask me again, I ran up the stairs.

There's got to be some clothes that would fit Lucas around here. I decided to check my mum's room. Too risky, especially since these days I can lose control faster than the speed of light. I went to the closest set of draws and opened the top draw. As soon as I opened it, I could smell my mum's perfume. I had to stop myself multiple times from pressing my nose into the fabrics.

I looked everywhere. Nothing. So I went through all this pain again and I've got nothing to show for it. I let myself fall onto the bed. I can't just walk into town. I'm a fugitive. Wait a second. I sat bolt upright. I still had the necklace in my pocket from before. I can't remember how it got there but it helped me form a plan. Eva couldn't go into town but Layla could.

First things first, I need a shower to wash away all the blood. At one time, I was able to pick the worst moment of my life. Now, there were too many to sort through.

The shower felt good. I came out and decided to wear a skirt today. To make sure I didn't look anything like me when I went into town. There was only one skirt in my wardrobe. That tells you that I'm more of a jeans kinda girl. Well it's only for a couple of hours. Once I had finished getting dressed I tucked the necklace into place, under my blouse. I decided to put some pillows under the bed. So if they check on me, they'll hopeful think that I'm sleeping.

I can't take the jeep. It would just make too much noise. I guess hitchhiking will have to do. No way I could risk stealing another car. I got to the door and slowly shut the front door. Careful to make sure I didn't make any noise. When I heard the click, I ran as fast as I could in dolly shoes to the high way.

Looks like I'm gonna be stuck here for a while. Car after car went pass with no luck. What's wrong with people? I'm not a serial killer. I had to bite my tongue at that last part. I may not be a serial killer but I have killed a lot of people. Accident or not. I did that and unfortunately I can't fall apart. As much as I would love to feel sorry for myself, I can't. There's just too much to do.

Finally the nightmare ends as a car pulled to a stop. It was now midday and I hadn't slept in 2 days. God, it makes me tired just thinking about that. I opened the passenger door and said.
"Thank..." I began but then I saw who was driving. It was Ryan. I almost didn't recognise him. After everything that has happened, high school seemed so trivial now.

"No worries." He seemed happy. "Where you're headed?"
"Wicker Grove." I said while trying to seem casual.
"Lucky for you, I'm headed the same way. Hop in."
I hopped into the car. It was new but not the kind of car I would expect him to drive. It was normal.
"What's your name?" He asked. Looks like this is not going to be a quiet journey.
"Ev...Layla." I had to stop myself from saying my real name.
"Evlayla? That's your real first name?"
"Yep. What's yours?" I asked.
"Ryan." He paused for a bit. "Have I met you before. You seem oddly familiar." I decided a change of topic was well needed.

"How come you were out of town?" I asked.
"It was a favor for my dad. I had to check on a shipment for him coming from China. A new product that we are developing."
"Sounds cool." It was nice to hear about normal things for once. No witches, no werewolves.
"It's not. It's extremely boring and I can't escape soon enough."
"I don't want this for the rest of my life! It would drive me insane."
"Have you told your dad?" I asked.
"Actually, I haven't told anyone. You're the first one. My family and friends would never understand."
"That's rough." I said honestly.
"Tell me about it." He said while rolling his eyes.
"I know what it's like to have no control over your future."
"It sucks doesn't it." Maybe Ryan understands what I'm going through more than my mum ever did.

"Do what makes you happy? I would if I could."

You could."
"Only in an ideal world." With no witches and no werewolves.

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