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Imagine telling Loki you have a boyfriend when he loves you dearly.

I set out in a frantic hurry, knowing I was already quite late for my strategy meeting with Odin. As one of his top advisers, I met with the Allfather on a weekly basis to discuss the organization of Einerjar, battle strategies, and several other tactical particulars.

As I rounded the corner that led to the great hall, I slammed straight into someone. We both fell back with a noise of surprise. Before I could recover, he had gotten up and was standing above me. "Iliana," he said, worry coloring his tone. He offered a hand down to me. I took it and he pulled me up in a fluid motion that only he could ever accomplish so gracefully.

"Loki," I replied, looking into his ice-blue eyes, "thank you.....um, I'm sorry for running into you."

The prince shrugged off my apology with a, "No harm done."

There were a few seconds of awkward silence, before he cleared his throat and mumbled, "Listen, Iliana, I was wondering...um...."

"Spit it out Loki, I have to go-"

He interrupted me, speaking quickly. "I was wondering if maybe you would like to accompany me on a ride this evening."

I stopped short. He was asking me on a date? Loki, the prince who had said all of six words to me in the last two years? "Loki, I'm sorry but...I'm uh...already seeing someone." I looked up, prepared for a crushed look from the ever stoic prince, but there was no hint of disappointment in his ivory features.

He waited for a few moments as if weighing an idea, before he whispered roughly, "I'm sorry but I just don't care anymore."

Before I could react or even ask what he meant, he grabbed my arms and crushed his lips to mine. My hands fought to push him away, but his iron grip never loosened.

My attempts grew more and more half-hearted as the kiss wore on. I didn't want to admit it to myself, but I had never enjoyed kissing anyone as much as I was enjoying kissing Loki. I thought of Alistur, who I had been seeing for several months now. I knew I should feel guilty for what was happening, but strangely, I didn't. The ecstasy of Loki's kiss overwhelmed every other emotion.

That was when I gave in. My arms snaked around Loki's neck and I moved my lips in unison with his.

I heard a slight gasp and then a deep, rumbling moan from Loki as he registered what I was doing. His hands loosened their hold and became gentle, sweeping down my arms and across my back before resting on my hips.

The cold metal wall pressed against my back, and suddenly there was no space between Loki's body and mine. His hands travelled on, grasping my thighs and lifting them until I was straddling him. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I registered that this was completely indecent in public, but just like the other thoughts I pushed it away.

I locked my ankles around Loki, caught up in the perfection of the moment. Everywhere his hands brushed my skin they left a trail of heat, as if his touch reached all the way to my bones.

Suddenly, through the haze in my mind, a thought registered that I couldn't ignore: I was going to be horribly late for a meeting with the king. I pulled away unwillingly. My eyes met Loki's, which were full of confusion. "I'm sorry Loki, but I have a meeting with your father and I am already late."

His arms slowly moved from around me, leaving me standing untouched against the wall. I didn't know if it was the drafty halls of the palace or the lack of Loki's body against mine, but I felt cold. Loki tilted my chin up so that my eyes met his again, "When you are finished, I will be in my chambers if you wish to meet me."

I flushed, hoping I was overthinking the insinuation, but something in his eyes told me I wasn't. I turned away and practically ran down the hall toward the throne room. Just outside, I looked at my reflection in one of the mirrored walls. My dress was a mess, wrinkled and pulled in odd places. My hair had come out of it's pins and sat tangled and loose. My cheeks were flaming red and my lips were swollen. I looked awful, and certainly not presentable to the king of Asgard. Quickly I raked my hands through my hair, eliminating most of the knots, smoothed my dress as much as possible, and hoped the Allfather wouldn't be paying explicit attention to my face.

I turned to the guards standing at the door and nodded. They returned the gesture and opened the doors, revealing Odin sitting atop his throne. He looked like he knew what had happened. Damn.

Tom and Loki one-shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora