Red's place

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Nick's pov
Red's place was a two room underground bunker.
When we got there he told me to sit on the bed, which I did hesitantly.
I still do not know why he is helping me.
Seeing as the fact I SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD.
He went though his stuff until he grabbed a cloth and some bandages.
He walked over to me and sat down. "I know you said Ross healed you but, you did shot in the head. How do you not have brain damage?" I asked.
"Well, it turns out the forehead is where the skull is the strongest, due to it protecting the most important part of your brain." he replied wetting the cloth in a bucket of water nearby.
"O-oh" I said.
Duely noted.
He took the wet cloth and started to clean a cut on my face.
After it was clean he put a gauze on it.
He then pulled down my sleeve in which he found several cuts and bruises.
"They really hurted you, didn't they?" he asked sadly.
"Yeah..." I mumbled.
I still didn't trust him.
He contuned to clean my cuts on both my arms before applying bandages.
"Any more cuts that I need to worry about?" he asked.
"Well there is one more but you don't need to worry about it." I grumbled.
"Ofcorse I need to worry about it! Where is it?" he answered.
I pointed to my chest feeling heat rise to my face.
I saw him start to blush a bit before saying,
"Nick, I have to clean it or it'll get infected."
God damnit, he's right.
I sighed and lifted up my shirt so he could take care the wound.
After he cleaned and bandaged it, I quickly put my shirt back down.
I was probably blushing intensely.
"Well, now that that's taken care of, you can stay here for tonight." he said.
"Red, there's one bed." I said rolling my eyes.
"I-I'll sleep on the floor" he replied scratching the back of his head.
"I still don't trust you." I said bluntly.
"If I wanted to kill you I've would have done it by now" he replied raising an eyebrow.
"Good point" I said.
So got into the bed and tried to sleep.
Red turned off the light and place a sleeping bag on the floor and tried to sleep himself.
I still don't fully trust him, but what can you do?
I then fell asleep.

Your Guardian Angel (CD red x nick)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant