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I laid on my bed, my eyes occasionally fluttering shut from my lack of sleep. As soon as my eyes had shut and I felt like I was actually going to be able to get some sleep the cries from the baby monitor filled my room. I let out a frustrated sigh and pushed myself off of the bed, dragging my feet into Mateo's room.

I approached the crib and leaned over the side, admiring my precious baby boy. His silky black hair would occasionally fall into his face and his tiny body squirmed around.

"It's ok Mateo, mommy's here." I cooed as I reached into the crib and wrapped my arms around his tiny body, bringing him close to my chest.

I left his room and walked into the small kitchen area of the trailer. I opened the fridge, retrieving one of the pre made bottles and stuck it in the microwave.

As I waited for the ding of the microwave, I studied Mateo's face. His ocean blue eyes were full of happiness and his slightly crooked nose wiggled as I brought the bottle to his mouth.

Who said you need Prince Charming for a happily ever after? My happily ever after was this small child that I had been blessed with.

I sat on the couch with Mateo in my arms, the bottle still placed in between his small lips. I flicked the tv on and changed to the news station.

"Famous boy band All New returns to New York for break after tour." The news caster announced and I quickly position Mateo so he can see the tv.

"Look baby." I pointed at Alex on the tv. "There's daddy."

As the word daddy left my lips Mateo began to squirm with happiness and I had to quickly adjust him before he fell out of my hands.

"Lets head back to bed." I yawned as I turned the tv off and carried Mateo into my room.

I gently placed him onto the bed and watched as he wiggled around on the blanket. I flicked the switch that turned the lights and and rushed back into the bed. I loosely placed my arm over Mateo and closed my eyes.

The darkness was immediately replaced with Alex's face. His smile sent warmth through my body and his light blue eyes looked at me the way Mateo had earlier.

Maybe finding him would be a good idea for Mateo. Yet again, maybe it wasn't.

The Story of a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now