Chapter 1

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*Brittney's POV*

"Get out of here bitch."

"Yeah, no one loves you, you fatass, ugly ass trick ass, hoe bitch."

All of the adoption kids screamed mean words at me. I cried, running away, but I could hear their laughter. I locked my door, and grabbed my razor from the shower. I picked the long, dark hairs out of it, then ran it gently against my wrist. I carved out the words, 'fatty' 'smelly' and 'bitch'

"Why does everyone hate me so much?? I'm such a fatty! I deserve all of this!" I cried and screamed at the top of my lungs

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"Why does everyone hate me so much?? I'm such a fatty! I deserve all of this!" I cried and screamed at the top of my lungs. "If only someone could adopt me, someone with a large, strong chin!"

I put on a long sleeved shirt to cover my hateful scars, and left the room. The other girls all laughed at me, pointing at me with their crusty finger nails.

"Why the hell is this fatty still here? Maybe she should go run a lap outside, and get rid of all that cellulite."

"Her eyebrows look like sperm cells! Hahahaha!!"

"Her nose looks like a dick! Heheheh!"

"She got a bigger nose than Seth Rollins' dick!"

I cried, and ran out of the door.

"I'm leaving this place for good!" I ran out in the street, waving my arms in the air. I heard a horn, and turned around. A red car was coming at me. I prepared for the impact, when I heard a loud break. The car stopped right in front of me. I let out a shaky breath, as the person exited the car. He had slicked back blonde hair that sort of formed a comb over. But one feature that he didn't have, was a chin.

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