7 Oppas

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Jihyun laughed when they arrived in the restaurant.

"So this is why you said it was so important!" She laughed. "Is this because I said I like Teen Top?"

Woohyun nudged her forward. "Let's go sit."

The members were very welcoming as they told her excitedly to join them. Jihyun bowed to each of them. She already knew all of their names and even most of their birthdays.

"Wow!" Dongwoo grinned, "You're so pretty!!"

Jihyun blushed and turned away. She sat down between Woohyun and Hoya as Woohyun told her to. She was so amazed. Her brother had impressed her. She smiled as she made EYE CONTACTwith all of the members. They were all so handsome and beautiful and gorgeous and... she sighed inwardly. She knew she was smiling a lot, but tried to contain herself.

She glanced at Woohyun, who was watching her. She really loved him sometimes. This was one of those times.

Sungkyu stood up, almost losing his balance and bowed. She giggled at his clumsiness. He tried to pull it off coolly with a straight face. He took a deep breath and said. "Nice to meet you, I am Infinite's leader Kim Sungkyu."

Jihyun wanted to fangirl right then. "Ahh!!! You're so handsome!!" she blurted out, then hid her face in her hands, embarrassed. They laughed at her cuteness.

L leaned closer to her as she brought her hands away from her face. "I'm more handsome right?" he joked.

She nodded eagerly, biting her lip. "Yes," she answered. Then she turned to Sungkyu, "Sorry oppa," she said quickly.

That made the members burst out laughing. Hoya turned to her for a high five. She slapped his hand lightly, but hid her face.

They clapped loudly as they laughed, Sungyeol especially.

"Sorry oppa," Sungyeol repeated, then laughed all over again.

Jihyun looked up at Myungsoo and smiled shyly, looking into his eyes. He was so beautiful. She'd never seen someone so handsome.

She hadn't really taken a good look the first night because she was still mad at Woohyun, but now, all she wanted to do was let out her inner fangirl.

The rest of the members introduced themselves one by one. Then they chatted as they looked over their menus. She told them things about herself and the reason she was there.

The members kept laughing at the things she said. Jihyun really didn't think before she spoke.

When the waiter walked away with the menus and their order, Hoya asked, "Jihyun-ssi, out of the members of Infinite,  who is your favorite?"

They all looked at her expectantly. Woohyun was smirking to himself. He said, "Of course it is--"

"Hoya-oppa," she answered easily.

"Ahh.." the members said. Woohyun's eyes widened mid-sentence.

Hoya clapped and acted overwhelmed by the news, covering his face as if from embarrassment. Jihyun grinned. He was really happy. He touched the side of his neck slowly. "Really?"

Jihyun nodded. Hoya was really handsome. She trailed her eyes down his jawline as he swallowed.

Hoya took her hand and bowed. She moved backward a little, surprised. He said, "Ah.. I'm so happy. Thank you."

"Yah~" Woohyun complained. "Don't you have any sense of loyalty? I'm your real oppa, you know."

"I know," she shrugged simply. Then she turned to Hoya and smiled. "But Hoya-oppa is so cool."

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