Chapter 1: Flowers In England

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Omg! My friends are writing poems! That's cool, super classy. Isn't classy kinda boring though? I always saw classy as stuck up rich people who like to kick puppies in the face, but hey what do I know? Ever since I was young I dreamed of being rich! I still want to be rich! But you have to work for it and I hate work but that's okay as long as I get money, it's cool. Man I sure am tired. I really like my cover it has really pretty roses on it, I love roses even though they are not my favourite flower. The Lily is my favourite flower, it's said that it is the national flower of Italy. I love Italy what a beautiful place! Even though I have never been there. What was I talking about? Oh yeah rich people. Well maybe I could start a business in Italy and sell flowers, though I would rather live in England. I don't know why but I just love England! The place is gorgeous and not to mention they have their own Queen! I wish Canada had a Queen, or a King. You know, England has really beautiful flower fields. One time in 8th grade I made a flower colleague and the teacher was really proud, then a boy took it and ripped it in front of my face... Hahaha. Anyway! The point is I love flowers and I love England! And I want to be rich so I can move my mom to see England with me and we can sell a lot of flowers together, of course this is coming from a girl who has ADD and is really really tired.

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